Punjab Highway Department Faisalabad Auction Notice for Collection Of Toll Plaza,Toll Tax,Toll Fee , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMNET AUCTION NOTICE OF TOLL TAX Applications are invited for award of work of contract of right of toll tax collection at following toll plazas for the period of 15.08.2024 to 30.062025 (319-Days) through sealed tenders/ bids documents. The sealed tender / bids will be received opened by tte Auction Committeemender Opening Committee in the office of the Commissioner, Faisalabad Division, Faisalabad on the schedule mentioned below in the presence of intending bidders or their representatives. Last date for submission of application to purchase Bid documents Last date for issuance of Bid documents Date and Time for receipt I opening of Bid documents Sr. No. Name of Toll Plaza Reserve Price (365-Days / Per Day) 75.444 0.207 Reserve Price (319.Days / Per Day) 65.936 0.207 27.07.2024 at 04:00 PM 27.07.2024 at 04:00 PM 29.07.2024 at 12:00 PM / 12:30 PM Earnest Money Tender Fee Reserve Price Rs. 10,000/- 3.297 1 Auction of Right for Collection of Toll Tax at Faisalabad Jaranwala Road near Makuana INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: - I. The Contract of Right of Toll Tax for the period of IO- Months 15 Days from 15.082024 to 30.06.2025 (319-Days) for the amount noted against each will be auctioned through sealed bids at Commissioner Office, Faisalabad in the presence of the bidders by the Auction Committee / Tender Opening Committee constituted for this purpose. 2. Contract documents can be obtained from the Office of the Executive Engineer Highway Division Faisalabad at indicated in the above schedule on payment of prescribed bid tender fee in form of Challan form 32-A under Head C-02716-Others (sale of tender forms) in favour of Executive Engineer, Highway Division, Faisalabad from any scheduled Bank. In this regard last date for submission of application to purchase bid documents is fixed as indicated in the above Schedule whereas last date for issuance of bid documents is fixed as indicated in the above schedule. The bidders are requested to provide attested copies of their specimen signature, copy of CNICi NTN present postal address and power of attorney (in case of firm) along with their applications which they will submit to purchase bid documents. 3. Only those persons shall be eligible to participate in submission of sealed bids who will furnish / submit "Deposit at call @ 5% of Reserve Price as earnest money in favour Of Executive Engineer, Highway Division, Faisalabad from any schedule bank. This deposit at call should be attached / stapled with bid documents on the day of opening of tenders. 4. The bidder of his Attorney holders as the case may be shall sign each and every page of the contract documents and will initial all corrections made therein. 5. Conditional bids shall not be entertained. 6. Acceptance or the highest Bid shall rest with the Chief Engineer (Central Zone) Punjab Highway Department Lahore, who reserves the right to reject the same without assigning any reason thereof. 7. Other condition of the auction / contract can be seen from,the office of the Executive Engineer, Highway Division, Faisalabad on any working day during office hours before the bidding date. 8. The bid amount will be net amount payable by the lessee to the Government in 09 equal installments. All expenses on the provision opera on and maintenanæ Of all facilities mentioned in the bid documents will b come by the lessee and no reduction from the bid amount will be admissible. 9. The bidders shall sign each ancrevery page of the bid documents and initial all corrections therein and shall bepundån all respect to the condition, laid down herein. 10. The highest bidder shall depo'itjn cash equal to 10% of reserve price in the treasury as a ISt advance monthly insta ent before taking over the charge of Toll Plaza. 11. The highest bidder will have to produce the Bank Guarantee of amount equal to 10% of his bid amount in favarof Executive Engineer, Highway Division, Faisalabad, before taking over the e of Toll Plaza. The validity period of this Guarantee should be upto 30.06.202 12. No vehicle Will!be exempted from payment of Toll except, (a). Vehides bearing the number plates of Presidency. Prime Minister's, Governor's House, and Chief Minister's Secretariate. (b). Vehicles belonging to Senators, members of National Assembly and members of Punjab Provincial Assembly. (c). Flag Cars. (d). Vehicles belonging Defense Forces or Vehicles requisitioned for defense duty. (e). Police Patrol Vehicles. (f). Fire Fighting Vehicles. (g). Vehicles belonging to officers of Communication and Works Department. (h). Ambulances of the Health Department, Sodal Security/Red Crescent Society. 13. Successful bidder will have to deposit 10% income Tax with each installment to auction sale price. 14. Successful bidder shall be bound to pay any change of Ton Rate imposed by the Government during the currency of the contract. 15. The successful bidder will be bound to construct the collection booths, installation of Electric manual boom barriers for fast track within 15 Days from the date of award of contract. 16.The successful bidder will be bound for installation of IT equipment's i/c CCTV & IP camera along with WAPDA connection witlin one month. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Highway Division, Faisalabad o Newspaper ( IS Jill, ZUZ4) SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER IPL-6599 Highway Circle No. II, Faisalabad from Naibaat dated 13 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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