Thq Hospital Yazman Tender Notice for Procurement Of Local Purchase Of Medicine,Disposable and Surgical Items,Purchase Of Dialysis System , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE Medical Superintendent TIIV Ilospital Yamane District Bahawalpur, invites bicts iron interested Pharmacies (in case of medicime items Form-9) pharmacies Sole distribliters 'in Of dialysis Of geod sourd baclkgtoutbd J valid sale license foc items awd Dialysis Medicineitems for Framcyyori rate l,ocal of and Dialysis for the financial year 20242025. TIR details of specificaticns are given in hiding Sr. Nime of item Local purchase of lncdtcines' disposables• items (day by day j Entcøs•cncy I-PJ Schat Sahulat Prcgram medictnes ; Zakat Medicine Purchase of dialysis unit 2 Medicine items rateec,ntract cost in mülion Last date time to Tender sohmit security temder Tinder opening Tender fee time 050-2024 tillOl:30 million estirnated till at02:01) 1000b • million li Separa•te will giveti for luxal purchase of medicines; disposables;swtgical, and Dialysis oo the basis of foalowirvg pattern. NationalConpanies' Medicine discount from wil priCe), II. Multinational Ccoqyanie€ frotnretail price), Surgical and items IV, Dialysis vise Biddlrag shall bc conducted through Open Competitive Bidding 6ingle Stagg-Tim Emelepef pnecdllres in Punjdh ProcuremeniAiles PPRA 2014 lit] dato and is to alt eligible bidders as defined in th@idding Interested eligibdc bidders, are active payer Ying valid drug sale licence. bidding further in of undersigned stibntission of'öTiltcn application along Willi ofnorrrefundahle fee of Rs. 1001b'- jone thousalxl only/. Bidding lill up to am, 4, Bidding doct"l'kllts arc also available@flM1jah Procurctnat Regulatory Authority IPPRA) 401, and be a % estimated valid days as ntentinned above in lhe4GiiÅ3fCDFv'lunk draft from a Sclt"lLled Balk of PakÅan in THQ Ilospiial Varman". Bids will of liddercc his representative whochooseto attend in MS IIOSPITAL 7. TIX 10 their best finål prices as negotiations ate S. Thc Picutoaccepianceofa bid or proposal TIR wocuring agency shall upon request ccw,nwnicate to any hidda. the gnhlt)ds for its rejection Of all bids but shall jtrstify those Taxes will deducted as per applicable rules, NTN registration he prmideC 101120t obtaining any information or clarifications. please cc'im:l the Office of Medical Superintendent'1Yocute11',ent ottteet THQ HOSPITAL YAZMAS during tl'ß IPB.499 Medical superintendent THQ Hospital Yazman O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Express dated 12 July, 2024
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