Punjab Institute Of Cardiology Lahore Tender Notice for Repair Of Medical Equipments,Repair Of Pulse Oximeter,Baloon Pump,Monitors,Ventilators,Stemum Saw, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited from well reputed firms for the repair and Contract of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) of following tenders during working hours by paying Rs.2000/- for each tender (Non-refundable). Tender documents can be downloaded from PPRA website and can be submitted along with pay order / receipt worth Rs- 2,000/- for each tender (Non-refundable) in favour of Medical Superintendent, PIC, Lahore No. 01 01 01 01 01 01 ot 01 01 01 01 01 01 Estimated Tender Tender Price Receiving Opening In Ru ees Date Date 275000 orscco 25000 230000 225000 1300000 21000000 475000 200000 440000 440000 440000 4500000 Bid Security 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. PARTICULARS Repair Cardiac Mennen: Qty &bull 04 Make. Model N&bullCgmpass. Serial 110041993, 2tS060S71 S 213060383 Repair Ot tntr&bull ßilloon Pump: aty &bull 01 Make: Arrow. Autacat.2. No. 6062M Repair Oflntra Aortic galloon Pump: Qty &bull Make: Autocat.2. Serial No. 51227W Rep&bullir of putsc Oximeter Cry &bull 01 Mike: Medel: tsco. Sedal No. 50243612 Repair Ot Oetibrillator: Qty 01 Innemed. 360B, satiat No. 14206047 Repair Of Ventilator: Qty &bull 01 Make: Draser, Model: Evita-300. Sctial NO. ASMF.02E9 Rep&bullir Ot Stemum Saw: Qty &bull 01 Make: Aesculap B. Braun, Model: Acculan 4* Sr 04722 B Service Maintenance Contract for one year of Mobllc x.Ray Machine Mako: SMAM, Model: Modulo serial No. 1-9907 Servlee Maintenance Contract for ones &bullygar of C.T. Angio Maehlno Mako: CE. Model: Willco, Sortal PK12SSCT01 Service Maintenance Contract year of Machlnc Make: Qulnton, Mod &bull Q&bullStress Serial Service Maintenance Contrace for ono year 01 Compressor Make: Model: BROOOG6BKtt9 Sr g 1731540023 173, Dryer Model RD 12.VIAC Serial No. 140005663 Senicc Maintenancq 'Contract for onc year of Echo Machine Maket Toshlba, Model: Nemio MX 590&bullA, Serial No. 99A1334434 Service Maintenance Contract tor one year Of Echo Machine Make: Toshiba. Model: Nemio MX 590.A, Serial No. 99A1324398 Sewlcc Maintonanco Contract for one year ot Echo Machine Mako: Toshlba, Model: Nemlo 5904. Serial No. 99Å1354736 Seæicc Maintenance Contract for one year of Gamma Camera Make: Slemens, Model: E.Cam serial No. 9857 Tenderwill be opened publicly on the prescribed date & time. Medical Superintendent Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore Newspaper ( -l z Jul, ZUZ4) IPL-6583 from Express dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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