Police Department Lahore Tender Notice for Purchase Of Lubricant Items,Purchase Of Stationery Items,Printing Services,Computer Stationery Items,Purchase Of Bed and Box Items,Purchase Of Mosquito Weapon Silings,Purchase Of Tent and Tarpals,Purchase Of Air Cooler,Bio Materic Attendance Machine,Computer Revolving Chairs,Purchase of Office Chairs,Repair and Maintenance Of Police Stations,Construction , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE Tramc Headqvarters PunJab, Lahore Invites sealed blds based on the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014, from well- reputed and financially sound Orms having previous experience as well as reg15tered with Income Tax Department, for the purchase/repair/prtnting of following Items for Tramc Headquarters Punjab for the Hnancla/ Year 2024-2025, Blds are to be addressed to the Addl: IGPrrramc Punjab, Lahore. The blds shall be opened In the presence of bldders or thear representatives in the office of SSP/Hqrs, at Addl: IGPfTraffiC Punjab, Office, Lahore. complete tender nouce and detall Is also available on the PPRA1s website and for any other Information email. (tramcheAAumersZQZ2QgmalLnm). The detail of below mentioned tenders specificatlon and bidding documents can be obtalned Immedlatety after pub*lcation by written request, Indudlng for registration too, on the firm's letter head from the accountant of the once of Addl: IGPtTramc Headquarters Punjab, Lahore at Qurban Pollce Lines, Lahore after paying a fee of Rs.2,QOO/- each head of acmunt maxlmum by 30.07.2024 wlthln omce hours. The blds shall be received under *Single Stage — Two procedure, as per The blds shall comprise a single package containing two separate envelopes. Each envelope shall contaln separately the *Flnanclal and tie "Technical Proposal". The envelope color of Eimnclal-ernne:al should be "White, while the Igh.niøJ.-P.nnzul should be "Kh•kl", containing the following documen&/informatlon noted against each:- Sr. 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 Tender Description Purchase of Office Statione A03901 Purchase of Computer Stationery. A03955- Purchase Of Printing Items, A03902- Purchase of Other Store Items, A03970- Purchase Of Tent & Tar A03970 REPAIR OF MACHINERY ITEMS & PARTS A13101 Furniture & Fixture, A13201 REPAIR OF BUILDING, A13303 FIJRNTTIJRE & FIXTURE A09701 Other Road Safety Campaign, A03970- 050 Purchase of IT E ui ment, A09203 PURCHASE OF LUBRICANTS, A03807 MT Parts, Repair of Vehicles, A13001 Tender CIO$Tng Date & Time 31-07-24 (11 A.M) 31-07-24 (11 A.M) 31-07-24 (11 31-07-24 (11 ATM) 31-07-24 (11 A.M) 31-07-24 (11 A.M) 31-07-24 31-07-24.' (11 A.M) 31-07-24 1-07-24 (11 AM) 31-07-24 (11 31-07-24 (11 A.M) 31-07-24 Tender Opening Date & Time 31-07-24 (11:30 A. M) 31-07-24 (11:30 A.M} 31-07-24 (11:30 A&M) 31-07-24 (11:30 A.M 31-07-24 (11:30 A.M) 1-07-24 31-07-24 (11:30 AM) 31-07-24 (11:30 A.M) 310-24 (11:30 A-MI 31-07-24 (11:30 AM) 31-07-24 (11:30 A.M) 31-07-24 (11:30 A.M) 31-07-24 11:30 A.M Estimated Cost 1.5 M 1.5 1.5 M 2.5 M Earnest Money Performance estimated cost of estimated cost estimated cost estimated cost 05% of estimated cost of estimated cost of estimated cost 05% of estimated cost of estlmated cost of estimated cost 05% of estimated cost 05% of estimated cost of estimated cost Guarantee Of contract amount Of contract amount 10% Of contract amount Of contract amount Of contract amount 10% Of contract amount 10% Of contract amount 10% Of contract amount 10% Of contract amount Of contract amount 10% Of contract amount Of contract amount Of contract amount (SYED GHAZANFAR ALI SHAH) PSP SSP/HQrs for Add': Inspector General of Police. Head of Traffic Police, Punjab, Lahore Newspaper ( -l z Jul, ZUZ4) Items detail and their specification can be viewed/downloaded from PPRA Website after publication IPL-6597 from Express dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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