Parks & Horticulture Authority Multan Auction Notice for Auction,Parks Action,Parks On Rental Basis , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** AUCTION NOTICE The public. at latqe ittfgtfited thil Parks Authority v•utE.ari is auct*ii'i heu on at 1200 PM in me Head of PRA Multan under toe o' Aucun Cornmnteo, H'ief desaiøtion at Grnes$mngs and Tarms & Condib»ons am as Name Per Y' anva•n h Par* ooar. yoo yoo •xtce. :tüj, Ofiekøa.110 is bidder deposit 0b.ete having equi Money da•+ Q%re date of PHR win p'OvUie b/dde• new end b'" to the o' electric* V it t he vuo:ew'ul b/dder fan.' to (be within due Ote. •eg•rd. he rabe:' of TickeLs shali be dete•mined in consultation the Itie tenancy period u. 00 10 gears w'ii./Oi the wrn.e'tent •u'thont'y• rent or •mount Sut:cessrui shall pay le'&d •nd deposit the of tile case •nv untoward "late due or Gove•nment tegar'*". Couti Of law. PH", order rot the t.'e:sut't OT of the which not recovered bk:idcc The and booth Sheets per providce tie sott of Sd•l'id made of concrete or *Re. 'ft* •g.r•ce 'or the Of campo toot the dun 'the 'be be case Of •rising *'ween be referred 'o Oireetor Mutton whose 'the etc I a nd The have nothine 'hat i.utt:essfi.'l bid det be bound to wate Til'* wood be allotted peace clean •nd arrmee "or cold •nd set 10 feet abng Ari •uthm•iaed to Check the ane the be is found $ør the third time, the•nated in the •the c:ofnoetent action be I".er seccessful 'be II wiO'i the competent •u to *ikh the in the five thousand for bid:eef PHA Uuitam Recul•tiio.ns: o' •tid be to his bid •sco•ded depositea be in order (or bid, •to ili "derifinn m',eg •t tfiuSt be iubmitted The be Otte Ot' •jj even if be a h"hest cutthet we be dwine the bidder Shall terms conoti.on5u derails. i' req'.*ed. M•üeting Head Nt•.t DIRECTOR MARKETING MULTAN O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Express dated 12 July, 2024
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