Local Government Rural Development Department Jhal Magsi Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER mne Assistant Director cocal oeq. oeg&bdquo iS Nsed to *Vite seated gercentoe basoa Ine rates BCSR&bull2023 eRö. san&bulldS. secuoty loom ot Caa Oeøas&bullt cit' Cost me n sChorros NAVEOFSCHEM ECOST CONSIR'JCtJONPROV7SCNAtqaNStALLAtONCFSOLAR 30.00M CONSTRUCTIONPROÆC+'ANOINSTALLATIONOFSOQRPLAVESFORV'LLAGE no.cou LALGANOHAOlStRlCtJHAL PSCPNO S 10.00M psop Authoev 鰿RA) Stom - two fO'OwOd bidding fee tinxoah cosh The TSE Nutroer. toe c,' arc address&bullai cast' writte"t in thc V,V'dIty gas'S, ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA must have regtstr&bullm with Pa"star Courol ili The in F BR and BRA a nd thgit not&bullttCS Activi Payer Liss eat *garnst N "4 18-PRRÅ F æes must fest' and NO &bull per , fresh Power attested Fot SUBWSSION DEADLINE: 21101. The wa '*coptod. BIO OPENNING: Tise Bd&bulls&bull oe the same i.e. 29' at 02:CO c&bullm. Whereas, gigs. techniCOIly qualified wit' be Cpen TERMS CONOIflO,NS i 1 S r.Éc:'Od received date and be f Tre Ee accei*ed, firms wa atso ee urst&bullgcea mcoaos aso bo ADORES$ Offuo A'.stv.ant L G RO Jits nt OepJty a: PRO ASSIS tANt DIRECTOR) & O&bullpt. Jhal O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Express dated 12 July, 2024
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