Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Quetta Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer, E&M (Workshop) Division Quetta Invites Bids From Eligible Bidders For Execution Of Following Works For The Year 2024-25 Based On Composite Schedule Rates 2023 On Percentage Rates Earnest Money 4% in Shape of Call Deposit, Tender Fee Rs.2000/• and Time limit 12 Months foreach work. S.No. Name of work 1 2 3 4 5. 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BT ROAD AND STREET GATES AND COLONY SARIAB. QUETTA (Z2023.0755) TSE-242507495783 REABLITATION OF ROADS LINING AND CATIZES WARDS OF SARIAB QUETTA (Z2023.0756) TSE-242507495173 BT ROAD FROM BASHEER CHOWK VIA GEOTO SHAH JEE CHOWK QUETTA (Z2023.0757)TSE.242507495213 BT ROAD FROM KILI SHADI KHAN VIA GASS ROAD TO SHAHJEE CHOWK GEO. QU ETTA (2023.0758) TSE-242507495243 BT ROADS AND DRAIN AT SHFI COLONY AND MUHAMMAD SHAH TOWN SARIAB. QUETTA (Z2023.0759 TSE-242507495273 BT ROADSAND DRAIN AT KILI NAIK MUHAMMAD LEHRI SARIAB. QUETTA BT ROADS AND DRAINAT RAHEEM COLONY SARIAB QUETTA. TSE-242507495373 BT ROADSAND DRAIN AT BASHEER CHOWK ROAD . QUETTA @2023.0762) TSE-242507495453 BT ROADS AND DRAINAT KILI GISKORI SARIAB, QUETTA(Z2023.0763 TSE-242507495493 BT ROADSAND DRAIN AT KILI KASMEERABAD -l ROAD . QUETTA (Z2023.0764)TSE.242507495553 BT ROADS AND DRAINAT KILI QAMBRANI SARIAB QUETTA(Z2023.0766) TSE-242507495653 CONST: IMPROVEMENT OF BT ROAD AND SEWERAGE VARIOUS STREETS OF KILI PAIND KHAN QUETTA (Z2023.0812) TSE-242507495683 OF BT ROAD AND SEWERAGE ATRAILWAY COLONY, QUETTA (2023.0821) TSE-242507495703 REI-I: OF B T ROADAND SEWERAGEATRAILWAY COLONY, MIR HOTELQUETTA (Z2023.0822)TSE.242507495733 CONST: IMPROVEMENT OF BT ROADAND SEWERAGEAT KILI ISMAIL FROM MENGAL STORE TO BUBACHOWK, QUETTA (Z2023.0810) TSE-242507495753 BT ROADAT USMAN KILLAAND LINK STREET, PASHTOONABAD,ALAMDAR ROAD, QUETTA. (Z2023.0498)TSE.242507495773 EICost 24.752M 24.753M 19.815M 19.813M 14.858M 14.86 M 14.86 M 14.858M 14.858M 14.857M 19.81 M 14,90 M 19.81 M 19.805M 14.857M 24.810M The office of the Executive Engineer E&M (Workshop) Division CWPP&H Department Quetta invites technical proposals of Contractors/firms along with sealed financial proposals (Single Stage-Two Envelope Bidding Procedure) for above mentioned work from interested firms I Contractors, All interested bidders are required to submit documents as per following brief in support of their technical/Financial proposal: The procurement shall be out in accordance with Baluchistan Public Procurement Regulatory, Rules 2014 and Pakistan Engineering Council By-Laws BASIC ELIGIBILITY: (a)The Contractor must have fresh valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in C-6 and above with specialized code in relevant discipline and active registration with tax authorities i.e (NTN, Sales tax Department and BRA), BID SECURITY The bid must accompany bid security in the form of call deposit or bank guarantee of amount specified above in the name of the under- signed from a schedule bank TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Shall consists ofthe Following Documents: - (a). Name of Firm I Contractor with year of establishment along with postal address and telephone number. (b) Name of Technical Supervisory staff / Management Staff along with their qualifications / experience and proof of their stay with the firm, with fresh affidavit as per criteria specified in bidding data. (c). 3 No of Projects, similar nature of work completed uring last 5 years, (Details should be given as per criteria specified in bidding documents). (d) 2 No jects similar nature and cost in hand. (Details should be given as percriteria specified in bidding ments) (e). Fresh Registration/ Clearance from income tax Department and BRA. Original mustsh on Submission I Opening the technical Proposals. Detail Turnover ofat [east 29.999 million r Ihålast (3) three years showing the financial capacityof firm as per criteria specified in the Bidding Under takingonjudicial stamp paper that the firm was never black listed/ no litigation b yGovernment/Semi Government Organization, separate for each work.(Attach all certificates e affidavit) attested from first class magistrate. (h). It is mandatory that the Contractor mu hdw the original fresh PEC valid registration i.e 2024-25 with Pakistan Engineering Council (P n the time of submission / opening the Technical Proposal (i) Bid Security@2%of bid quo ount must be in the form of call deposit in favor ofthe office Name of the undersigned fromasch dbankofPakistan. No Cheque will be acceptable. (j) The firm will be non-responsive if any noti or performance , blacklisting , and any other court case found against firm. (k) All the pages be signed and marked from start to end. FINANCIAL PROPOSALS Shall uments: - Detail BOQ with Quoted Rates in sealed envelope mentioned consist of the Followin the name & heme. BIDDING / TENDER DOCUMENTS: The bidders can obtain the bidding document from ddress mention above on production of green Challan of an amount of above mention work (Non-refundable) in the head of account C02716 Civil works through Govt: Treasury/National Bank of Pakistan or can be downloaded from the Website of BPPRA (, during working hours, from the date of publication of this invitation in newspapers till one day prior to the last date of submission. DEADLINES OF SUMBISSION: Technical and financial proposals from intending contractors/firms sealed in two separates envelopes clearly marked with Work title & type of proposal must be delivered by hand or through registered mail to the address mentioned below on or before 2$ July 2024 at 11:00 Hrs. OPENNING: The envelope containing "Technical Bids" will be opened on the same day 29th July, 2024 at 12:00 Hrs. before procurement committee in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to attend. The Second sealed envelope containing "Financial bids* of technically responsive / qualified bidders will be opened later, the date of which will be communicated after evaluation of the technical bids. Bids Validity: Ninety (90) days Place: The place of issuance, submission, inquiries and opening will be - The office of the Executive Engineer, (Workshop) Division Eastern Bypass Quetta, office Phone No. 081-2674143.EmaiI PRQ No.207111-07-2024 Executive Engineer E&M (workshop) Division CWPP&H Depanment Quetta Phone 081-2674143. dpr.gob @dgpr.balochistan c e WS paper u, from Express dated 12 July, 2024
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