National Highways & Motorways Police Islamabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of General Supply Order,Spped Checking System,Rescue Cutters,Generators,Tab Devices With Accessories,Movie Video Camera,Photocopiers,Vf Digital Repater Station,Vhf Mobile Set,Motorcyle Set,Wireless Tower,Base Antenna,Feeder Wire For Base Set,Feeder Wire For Mobile Set , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL HIGHWAYS & MOTORWAYS POLICE Procurement Notice (PN) No. 05/09-MWLOG/NHMP/2024-25/903 Invitation to Bid Through E-Procurement I. Sealed Bi$ ue nvited fram ume reputed Ffms havirq acive Gewa Sales Tax & Mune Tot numb«s tor the foeowinj items fortt* 2024-25:. sr.# 2 3 4 5 6 Item Oescipüon Speed Checkhg System Resct* Cltters Get*tators Devices witl for e-T&thq. MovietVldBD Canvas Photocwers 27 591 Nos 40 Nos 9 10 11 12 13 Item Description VHFMobiE Set VHFMoto beset VHFWdkie Tdkie set Weless Tower Base Antema 69 Not 12 Nos 96 Nos 10 28 Nos 7 Base SettorRepeater Station 14 Nos 8 VHFDI Repeate Sabon 14 Mobile Antenna witl MavetMount 163 Nos 5,000feet Feeder We for Base Set Feeder nre for Mobile Set 480 2. Sinle Stage Two Envelope Bidding Procedure ofP/ilEöal Mehod of Procurement (i.e. Open Compettve Bidding) wil be used by ad0ßirg Leat Cost Based Selecåon (LC8S) Technique tr the sub*ct procurnnt, in line wit the PuNic Rocurernert Rules. 2004 and am RegLiations, Regulatory Glides, Procurement GUdeines or Instuctons isNJed by Autnrity (from to ime). 3. træofcost 4. Proposals nustbe accompmied Bid Securo as menionedintE Biddng Docnerts Of Ä.DIAtLüB n the nane of Inspect« Genn ratioml Highways & Motuway PoEce Islamabad. The Bidders shall submi scanned copy ot 3id Sectrity an EPADS md OrÉhalBank Draw COR wil be submhed tothe Branch, NHMP betore openng ot the Tender. 5. tobetre date tor openilg of terder(s) at the sarne time nd place. 6. PPRAtore-prxurementonEPADSfor tnet Emad auresses Vich provued tc PPRA at me ot reßtratøn. 7. Tte nrested bdders are requested to Bit/ proposals onüne through EPAOS at and Original Bib/ proposals must be submitted at NHMP Police Mauve Area, G-11/1, Wam±ad before opening date i.e. on or before 1100 Hours on "y, 2024. The Bids WI be opened publicaUy on same day at 1200 Hurs In the Iresence ot representatves Central Police Office. Mauve Area G-11/1, Ishmabad. (MUBASHRA JAVAID) Assistant Inspector General (Logistics) For Inspector General, NHMP. Ph.: 051-9320278 O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) PIO from Nawaiwaqt dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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