Peshawar Electric Supply Company Peshawar Tender Notice for Procurement Of Design ,Supply and Installation ,Commissiong Of Net Metering Based Solar Pv System,Solar System,Solar Panel , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PESCO INVITATION FOR BIDS Peshawar Electic Suppli Ccmpany "Employer" invites seabed on NCB {Na•ona1 FPRA EPAOSfor tie •oesgn. S'.ppty. Instanaton. Testng8 of net„meteing based Solar PV Systan- on FCS (free Oeliv«y to consignee} to PESCO, Peshawar involving exchange elententat 03 of P ESCO PPIB: S.NO. 2 3 Tender No. Name of Sitei'Premises CG MIUOPESCO, 132 kV GSS University, Oanisl•.abäd. Peshawar CGj%lRAD PEsca Chief PESCOHQ SEKhyber (Operation Circle PESCO; 2. 3. 4. 5. t, S. befnmced underPESCOAssea yer2024-2S. This Invitaticn fr Bids is coen to bidders väth PivatE æi•d Infrgtucture AZOB [Certhcatonl Reguators. 20211arartdOd to relevant A &ddet Shä.l bC a persea, private enbty, gaeemmett•cqned entgp«iSe Ct FSR KPRA The sir:cassful shdl be to prevdie ræs includng sd•e tax. seuiceta:xJchygasendarvyother, tÄc•nd CvrpetSøe3iddirg INCE) edilbeccoiijcted to the Srtgle Stage Envelope process, it s open to a.' bidd*S rostered PPRA ÉPÅDS Bids rnust cover the tender qua•ttity lessquanStywnotbeaccepted Edders must tt«ough the e-Pd Acqu,isioo Cispcsd Syst«c (EPAOSI as p« PPRA regultor.G.*ic€l is free cftost Électrar.± vet-tdt«Regjstratan (e-VRbyste•non NPPRAw*site. Bidders can download the complete set 01 bidding documents from EPAOS at At.«nä'ßy. Yle dcc',wje.rts cm be ct•tined by s&riting a Hiten •pocaton to Otettct Genea MIPAD PÉSCO PeshM* August 2024, duntT Ohr.e In case. a fee of Rs. m i Eluded with it'* bid. Tender reeved thttugtl EPADS ortly. offcCpf,Oiector General 130 kV GSS Origin* bids rust be to fre Oat$h±ad, PESCO Peshaøø. 20August 2074 tt tt:OO AN Tn) record pvpcse, Sids be ogenedvi day at 11;30 AM in the presence bidders *end 10. tidÉ must b,eacccrrv.ariödby a Bid SeOnauntngtö Rs. 90W-p#kwrrtädä outint*/Ctct Oirectet Gen«d, MIRAD, PESCO to be 20 days treat the tet*dM' •enirtg date. ofP*i5tan BittiA•ramg, 11. B•dders a minirrturnøf$ years of in de<gnirv supplying. ii05t&tam testjng ard oasedSd& PV systems sc" and 'Mthaprogen taareccvd atleastthree consecutive yeats 12, Manufacturer leeer ard copy renew•d of Mth P Pid(as Sies tar rt1MdatCty Mld be prod the tpæbidsc:hedule, 13. Th«evAbeno 14. ThebidvdiåtypQiodiS90days the ctcpening, 15. Corditind 15, nprceurementflbedore to PPRARldes2CiJ4Nnendedtodde, lj. The Pnc:eGShCdd befrm andhr•cn FCSbagswthüJtiüOlwng 18 adve•isementis dso 19, PESCO Supply all its regarding Tenders without providingany justification as defined in cluse 33(110f PPRArules au. In ase ÄØunced b' the Govtaf P*VM, any Otletreesonsv,.ttat• evet duetOWh/Ch tvs ofce dosed the tere Mjenir.g d&e, the tender be on ne;.t m,ding athe Int«ested biddes met tan the aficect. c DG (MIRAD) PESCO, Peshawar 132 kV University GSS, Danishabad, Peshawar Phone: 091-9331204. Email: Newspaper ( IZ Ju , 2U24) from Mashriq dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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