Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar Tender Notice for Supply And Installation Of Ht Conductor and Allied Material For The Extrnal Electrification,Supply Of Transformers, Conductor and Allied Material,Supply and Installation Of Electric Pole , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PESHAWAR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Sealed tenders on the basis of Star Enveloø• on KPPRA Rules 2014. are hereby invited trorn Firmw / Contractors/companles enlisted with POA and registered with Pakistan Enelneerjne Council who have paid thelr registration / renewal 'fee 'or the year 2023-24 the unaer mentioned 00 below on pet given PIC 2 Suppi H .T COfidvttOt •nd tho •nd Materia 1 md 2 Yid Of M04•l the External at •e.d •O d'• 500'/- IPPRå Single Stage Twa Envelop Biding 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. 7. 8. 9, Technical proposal d th Order POA (photocopy). b. Identity (CRIC photoeop€i. e pakjstan Engineering Council •mth d. H Of Showing general apa:billtses, sourvo•sess.. general and reevant ex:W'ience record. personnel capabllRies. equipment capabilities etc as per technialcvaluatbmcriteria. g, NTOC/PESCO registration, G. No litigation certificate. Techna e•wuation Will be earned out on the basis of technical evaluation enterja in Ote office of chairman procurement committee. Oate of og•en/ng of Financial Bids announced after the approval of Techn'cal Bids frcgn the competent authotfty. All financial Bids will be submitted through online k•Biddln.8 System of POA tender Can up day before date Of opening from POA website, on KPPRA website (TWO Bid Of be acco.rttpanied in Of In tik name of noector General. POA from scheduled banks in acco«dance with the me 2012) of XPPRA Rules 2014 and amend {if any), In Y,PPRAN00fBcat.Eon No.S.R.0114): Volt-202021-22. Dated 10052022. the contractor to limit of bid security The contractors woungt.helf bids more than be.Jow upto below on awineergomatedcostsha•n subn•atalo« with Security the Deposit the name of PDAfrom schantled bankin addition to bid security. Ifthebid iS not aeeogrtp•nied with therequiredamoont additional security. then it W'*ll be considered as •nd the 2% shall be forfeited in the Government and the bidder Wii I be Simaarly. a contractor quoting bld more than below shal submit with his bid an additional security on Engineer Estimated the diffial bid With detailed En case of rno:re than below bEds, If tbæ bld not detailed rate analysis and/or required amount ot Additional Security. then the said bid AR the securitje Submitted with None-Responsive b" shall be forfeited In favor ofGovemmentand 2r.d lowest bluer soon will be considered •ccordingly. fee mentioned be demand draft pay the Of General, POA (Non-refundable). 10, The shall Submit their (Hard and nnanci*l with requlSite documents il•e; • Form. d.OQ. Adive NTN/lneome Tan Certificate, PECA IPRA Registration •nd other requited documents including earnest rnoneytothe of#ce of the undersigned through Registered Courier Service, The Bld,s received h' hand. throuÜ Registered courier service ar.d late shan The Firms/Contnctors shall subrnitt:helrbldi by pressing/ dJCkÉV'Flnallze•optlononthO'Bld oetOils• After that the generated tender form shall be printed ard submitted along with BOQ •nd other doenents mention in condition NoS of this NN. Thebld will In the offceofthechalrmanln the presenccof allprocurement committee bidders«theif the O/ and tirne above. In easethe did.s,.' proposals Me not omned on the above due to unforeseen reasons these shall be openedon the notworking day at the Satne and time. isoo dispute of the with any department im•olved litigation the left 12. A certificate to the effect that plete and Ot Stamp B. up to Two Oixits 10.0m Will be considered for evaluation of quoted Bid. document submitted along false' Ot the the Shall With bld 14. In the rate With the Entity, the Of' the Entity bids NO Without forfeiture bid and t'teeotd reason thereof. IS. Ifthe Bid tie. the samawdl be 16.Any item not reflected in Ote BOQartd tequred at Site. shall be With MRS-2022 (Bi-Annua1} / prevailing market rates with •øpmvalofthe Competent Authority, 17. All the Government taxestF•ederal, & any other'} wiii per pre•va7ingGovertvnent 18. The pr«uringentity may reject allBid,s or any proposal/ Bldatanytirne prba•rtoacceponce of a "or proposals. the Shall to any contractor. a the foe reject/on orof bidsorvoposatsas perSectjon47{1) of KPPRA Rules 2014. 19. Other & be Seen the the AJI the bidders must be in the tax payer Of the Authority. enanns.hed underthe Pakhtunkhw.Aeti2013 21. Any tender Shill 22. tneomplete/eonditsonaa bld shall not be aeeept•ble. 'The t he woo; per DEPUTY DIRECTOR (ELECTRICAL) ZONE-I, RMT PDA, PESHAWAR O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Mashriq dated 12 July, 2024
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