Ministry Of National Health Services Regulations & Coordination Islamabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Maintenance Services For Incinerator , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No. 1-1tESMP.2023.Ulncinerator Government Of Pakistan MINISTRY OF NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES, REGULATIONS & COORDINATION FEDERAL DIRECTORATE OF IMMUNIZATION PROPOSALS FOR PREQUALIFICATION NOTICE FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION OF COMPANIES/FIRMS FOR OPERATIONALIZATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR INCINERATOR The Federal Drectarate of Immunizat.on IFDI), under the MTIistry ot Nationa Health Services. Regulations and Coordination, invites reputable companjes/firms registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and on Active Payers List IAPL} of FBR to submit sealed Proposals for ptequalifrcation the operationalizaticn and maintenance ot an eco-friendly incinerator located in Islamabad, Cotnpanies fitms mustdemcnstratestrong technical. financial. and managerial capabilities. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Incinerator Specifications: The incinerator has a daily capacity incinerating IOCO kg of hospital waste using LPG,Natural gas. It features a double chambet system that reaches temperatures 1200 degrees Celsius and ir»dudes a high-qua'ty wet scrubber to control hazardous gases, It is equipped with both manual and automatic waste 10Bding systems. Waste CollectiOn Requirements: Interested firms be responsible for collection and transportation of up to BOO kgtday hospitalwaste from health facilities in ISIamatjad. preferably Government hosp«ta19Laos, on the negotiated terms and rate of cdlection Wil be finalized after bidding. Estimated maximum 200 Oday EPI waste be provided by OHO office for incineraton without cost. Accordirgly maximum capacity cl inenetatot would teutilized. Scope of Services: The sco* 01 services is detailed in the pre- qualification document available ordine, Eligibility criteria and pre- quallfication details are avalable on the FDI webste and Shortlisting/ Pre-qualification: Applicant will be shortlisted based on their meeting the criteria setuy;the FOIL Shortlisted firms undergofurtherevaluatjon through pkequalification process. Prequalified firms must submit proposals in accordance with FDI requirements as per Rule 15 (1 of Public Proajrement Rules, 2004, which will be evaluated as per the criteria defined in the *ibility/prequalificalion (RFP) dacunenls. Submission Guidelines(frhe proposal prequalification torn-I is availabte on the Interested firms must submit their proposalsrboth electronicaly and manually. The onginal proposal, along all required documents, shculd be submitted to office Undersigned, Additionally, frms must register on E•Pak System (E-PADS} and submit their proposalscrt the design PPRA website Proposals for prequalifiatim must be submitted on 26-07-2024 at 11,00 hours ard be coehed on the same day at 11:30 Hours sharp in presence Of all bidders the offce ofthe undersigned. Electronic Prequalification documents, containing detailed requirements, terms and conditions are also available for the registered bidders on EPADSat ( The competent authority reserves the right to reject all prognsals at any time pnor to acceptance of a proposal as pet Rule 33 (Repct•on of Bids) 01 PPRA Rules 2004. Deputy Director (Procurement) Federal Directorate of Immunization IFDI) Ministry of National Health Services Regulations & Coordination PMG National Health Complex, Park Road Chak Shahzad, Islamabad Phone No. 051-9255104 PID o Newspaper ( u, 024) from Mashriq dated 12 July, 2024
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