The Privatistation Commission Islamabad Tender Notice for Power Generation Companies,Transport,Financial,Real Estates,Insurance,Others , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Govemment Of Pakistan PRIVATISATION COMMISSION INVITATION OF EXPRESSION OF INTEREST(s) FROM REPUTED ADVISERY FIRMS FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION AS PANEL OF PRE-QUALIFIED FINANCIAL ADVISER FOR PRIVATISATION PROGRAMME The Pivatågation Commission (PC) is abody cotporate establisne•d undertr•e Privatisation Commission Ordinance, 2000 Of 2000). PC is mandated by the Fede•at Government to undettaee privatisation and divestn•vent trafi$aetjOi'1'& 'vir Of W'high any tight. interest. Of is; transferred to any person Federal Goverrwnent any enterprise owned or controlled, wholly partially, directy or indivecey. Government. 2- Privatisat•on Ccmmisg•on IPC) is unplementing a Privatisation Programme app«oved bv Fedeva• Govemment. mne is to be in phases and in to any geetot' approved by iF•edefal Power — Generation Companies Transport Conu•nun ieation & Teleeonununication petroleum & Retail Estate Hos pitality Power — Oistribution CompaniOs Industrial Others PC Of ttOtYi firm. both national and inu:rna.tiot'la]. pg•e-quablication a FinanciW Aöø•iser under the provisions of PC (Hiring of FinancioJ Advisers) Regulations, 2018. a. Ttw Pve•Oualified financial AdViser placed on the ot Pve•Oualified Financial on non-committal basis iot rnree pears to support PC in p«epanng and inwementing pnvatE; / (fivestrnent transacti00'8, b, pro•quaMied Financial Advisers Will provided With RoquOSt Proposals lor transactons as approved by lhe Board ot the Privatisation in ten-ns ot the PC Ordinance 2000 and rules and mude thereunder as amended time. C. il itetoosestoregpondto sruuoerequiredtogubmititgtechnical & FinancW will be evaluated as per eriteria provided in the RFP to engage il •n o. A prequali'ie•d PC a Financinl Alb'iser through Advieory S.etviCCü, inve•tG4 t.nterested in Ihar A I O be $ EOI be at 5. 6. 8. SUBMISSION DETAILS The IPs shal Exptessions othteres,g. on before 1600 Hours. 26th July. 2024 both electronically and in copy. including a processing 1 Slates OOIlars One or PKR 300.000.'- three Hut•umd tnougand only), via a. Electronicüy by email ncå»dinn proof o' p.ayvnent b. copy oddrC5.sed to 4th Pak Secretariat Building, kohsar Bloc*' Constitution Avenue Islamabad. Pa•ustan. The non-refundable pgices€ing lee can paid in the form or bank d,rawpay o«der payable in favour ot "Privatisation C.omrvüssk'•n- Government ot Pokjstan•. *fich should be subrnifled with the hard copy of the EOI which Will available at Commission link) Pfivat:jgation Con'trnissec•n in Its goee discreion may geek arry luther in addition to that mentioned in Eols as the / Evaluation Process. Privatisation Commission in its discretion, reserves the to cancel discagd the process without asg.iWt1ing any Privatisation its reserves the to accept Of any O•g' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. QUERIES AND 'OR SUBMISSION OF EOI. PLEASE CONTACT: KAMRAN FAROOQ ANSARI 51 9204593 SHAHZAD ASIF Oireclor Alfrin 51 9205857 Email: Privatisation 4" Pax Secretariat. m: +9251920514647. Fax: +92519211692 Commission Islamabad, Pakistan https://privatisalion. gov.p* c ewspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Jang dated 12 July, 2024
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