Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited Lahore Tender Notice for Manufacturers Supply,Arbor knotted power wire brush welding cable cu carrying capacity 500 Amp , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Sui NorthemiGa; Pipe(lnes Ijmited TENDER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT A- Offers are mvited from for supply of the fono•mng:, sC, Tender International Tont•ers Qty, ',soo 4,800 Mtrs. 410 Opening 30401.24 LocalTenders LE.04&'24 2 Kneed Power Wire Brush cat" Cu Camy•trg Capac$y 1 Pressure Transrt'ittets with uct Monitoring 2. Cloud Based cd Lot •rransmitters purchased @ Rs. per set from Admin Oepartment. 5th Floor. Gas House, II-Kashmir Road. Lahoæ The &nders wa •cose at 530 hours ant WII oeapened in 1600 hours. on rtedates at Gas 1st 21 •Kashmir Road Lahore except Tender Enquiry No. wu opened iff publ.: at 1100 hours. cn the dau mentioned at Admin oopartmont. Sth FIOCt, Gas Road. Lahore. can purchased. upto day toc:a.l marufacnarers.supp,ljers desirous quee.g hy tenders arc reqvrcø ta provide a ccc"' Ot valid regstatcn, •ncotne Tax- Latest Proress;ijnal CeMtOs Evidence of being t.t•æ Active Taoayet'S List (ATL) request for purchase of tender dccuments. Fte• "itematia,na' renoers gasecartactMr. Shahzad Rizwan Shamsi. at Mr-Aatir Manm for i real at 042-99085026 refundable) each in the shape ot a Pay SNGPL. The arro•unl of Bid nd Draftin tavor of •leaclOding GST) of value as mentiane:i ncurrænts. lender Votice at www.ppra, B. The closing dates ng tender enquiries have been extended: Description En u NO. orn,eCcntr0450KWrorPE E vyueer Gas R latccs EVCs a •wilhAcc:essories DomesticGas Meters we ¯ Electrodes SNO-247324 Gas Fltgrs SNT.2217,2å LinePi GearOil SolarSystem to Orvlne Gas Chroma Gas Oetectors c ewspaper Closi Oatc ISA .24 ZOA 01A,g.24 u, from Jang dated 12 July, 2024
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