National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONALTRANSMISSIONAND DESPATCH COMPANYLtd. INVITATION FOR BIDS aid 1. national TranstiÉSiCfi oesøatdi CCtnpany Limited (NTDCL} •the Emp•lCtiV" , it'tenes to get the WdrkS öjne fC•r CCt'trEt TLC•22• 2024 tray,jgh WDC rescorces. Tlte Soape or iS coqstnxtion 01 wc.rgs. Erecti00. Stringing, resting & Commissonir.a ot 500k} Dcutye Circutl Ouat aune Transnlission une trom 50(lÅV Maira Switching $tat:im to Isumab&ä West Substatin (Approx. 131 and Dcuble Transn•.iss.icn Li'E frt*ll Maira Switching Station to Karat Switchyard (20km Approx.}, I.ßing ACSR *Orak0" CCOdLCtOt. tsetailisas 10110WS 50LV0cgme Ouaø L ire No. 223 Near 71 Lot-II: 500k" DcubleCircui1 Ouac Burdle Iransmisign Lirefrct-n Tower"a. 223%ear Sihalt050(lkV Islamabø;i WestSubstation (Approx. W •Ill: 50CkVDouble Circe: Iliad Bundle Transmission Line front thira Switching Station t0Ka.rotSwdCh'ßd (Apnrox. 2Ük'fiJ 2, Tlte ETOIoyer sealed bidS rrcgoeli#le cg cerscos b/ Pakistan Engineering C.ourvcil in the appropoatecategc«vfot' me above at Natona Biljang (NCBJwill conducted in accorcmc.e PEC Singe Errelope 3. 8i6dCfS may i•ctatar.d acquire the Bilßit•tg OCOJt•nentS rrc«nthe Cffjceor the EtnaDlcyet,at: Sth F locc Snaheen Complex. Egertm Road. Lahore-Pakistan FaxNö.92-42-992D2173 E•tnail address: Pk 4. A corr,01ete setct Bidding ocajtneots am be gurcttased an interested Bidder on of a Mitten to tne aooqe office payment ct a fee from Office CE (MP8Mb WiM oe try Dam tram am sc:neculec tenkin Pakjstanin tavor of CE (MP&Mj NTßC.BthFlocc - Shaheen Cccnplex. TLC-22-202,a. me bidder as a ma.jn cvttractor •tas sng.le entity or as partner cg approved sjncontractorj must nave sunstanlia,lty C:cnstn.xljon cantractlSJ Of detailed survey, SJJb•scö towers, testing & fOlbOWitO Lot-I: • OJ vcaage or three or ccntrolled tension meÜ10d (Nring last ten ( tot-I: • One (1) tertsjon met'0ddut'iO.stten (10 Ot tower conventional tmsmissicn lines at least 355'km stung by lines Cd at tea,St3COgn Sttung bj' control led LDt••: tension meth0ddutVO.stten (ICO yean •r ttC8iddCtha.S executed Shan have ca.ßiCd cot all thC *tikiitjesrnentjcnedhc.rcoerore. • For purpose ofthisclause„ tie shall be throw* Ctxnplet;im Certificates.iTa:kü1gover etc- ShO"ingsutGtantjal Slit' transmissojn•nesrnust haw been two yeasprjor to deafiCIOtS.Lim•jrtOfbidS. Incase lhe is submitted biddirg process. read partners shall meet øa.rmer amer than the must ljave 031bDletOd a contractor. JV panna cg sub•contractor contractßJ comor&g gfaetailec survey. investsaatians, canstructiM ot tawer oanventimal foundations. etectjon Of town Stringing, & Cd' 2.20kV higher 'O'ttage tl.meed transmisso:un lines Of least 1 7.25kfii in ca:æ Lot-I" 15km incaseittd,ll incaseotLot-Ustrvtgttycontrcee,d durifl9 lastten (10jvears. The Bidder Shall the Bid evidence in thiS regard hcluding infer alia ccoiES IWiYl English translab010 cd contract stnstnalcomptetjoncerttljcateßlanø telecas notaritec. tcgtm The tension } equip«nent æong associated ILP and gitical evuipmentas per requirement of the grctec•l duty docurnentary Wideocetataloguesura•mngs unctertüjng such like vans in goo:] it not o. the icentdy u•vecordjrmecmurceaftnezid rna.ctlirvj. t&Petc, an.ngwiül sW prC"ide rTcessary hC said equinentingcc•d c:mtltion through itsown resourcespriUID startaf stgingirg act'/iW- The aforementicoed $cutmenwyevidencesh& submittec tod. tnetliddecc€his mcooseøsueoontra•ctvsnall nyercrcssir,9 eunngtm last (05) roeyears. 6, All bids must oeaccompanieø by a Securtty in Lot •n the Data •n tnefixrnat ot oar" guarantee on bid security form provi±d or in formotc.ositatcall or frcna gankin Pakistanin tavor cd Employer. 7. to ttteatm•e cutceonor beroteAugust 13v2024 at 11:03 an. Biff-swill coene•d at "Y , in the presertc:ec,' croosetoatter.d attnesameadøress. them,did meeting Willbeoor,ductedonJJly 25.20Q4at 8. NTDCæ•seve all its rights regarding retecticnat tids as defined inmause33f1iofPPRARules2tIM. CHIEF ENGINEER IMP&M) NTDC O Newspaper (1 Ju, 202 ) PIO iU4S from Jang dated 12 July, 2024
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