National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice 2 for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL TRANSMISSION" DESPATCH COMPANYItd. INVITATION FOR BIDS Bid wetencewnc.18-2024 1. Nanonal rmsmission and Despatch Compeny Limited (NTDC.L) &bullthe Employer'. "Items to get the wor&euros ror Convact TLC.18-2024 NTOC rescorccs. The works iS constructbn and campletica g' Civil Works, Erection, Stringing. resting & Commissiamng cd SCOW DIC O'.*d gumse transrntSi00 une Iron Sangal 10 500" Mita Switching Statm fa.øproxv 83.5kIV'}. USiC9 ACSR &bullaunting &bull Conductor. The detail is as follow: 300kV Oouble C.ccuit Ouaa Bondle Transatss.icnl.irg Nc 01 NearSangal to tower Mo. Lot-II: 5CNkVDouble Circuit 01Äd Bunoe ftotn TjaetNO. 69 Neareoeja&'arifto NM35Nea.rRattiGallit23.Skrm Lot-ill: 135NeatRatti t0500kV Switching Station (36, S km 2. Etr.Dlaycr inwtCS sealed bidS CliOitee Vitros or getsms liCC&bullnsetJ by the PüiStan Engineerit&bull.g Council in the category fry the scope ofWtorks, National Competitive Bidding will be corauctc:d ittacccwa.rtce With PECSÜ'I* Stage&bull ENO l&bullocu: (SS TEI&bullø 3. Bid-ters n&bullzay obtain further informat&bullm from. inspect at and Equire Bidding Dccumems from the Srtaræenr..omßlex, tgertooRaad, tatue&bullPakistan TelephonethY2-Q-gg2D2S97, FaxNo.92-42-M, A coapete set at Bung Dcoarnects may oe purcnaseø an interested Bit*ler submissi&bullan ot a written applicatiC&bulln to the Office upor paw&bullnent Of a non-refundable fee Ot SOJO frt«tt Office Of CE at payment oy iltatt fram any bank in Paotan in tavor CE 5 iiJ iiij iv) vil bidi*' as a main c:mtraclty tas single entity or as partner) must have sunstantZlly completed cmst:uctÄX1 contract(s) campnsir.g of *tailed survey. sub-soil investjgatons. or ccnv&bullentianal foundations. erect' camrnissiming g' at teasl Slktn cd 220kV or higher by cmtroted 00'eyears. 'If Bidder IOS executed these contract(S) as a string.'lg, tes'lirg & lec transmissicn Ities strung , he all the liratveasltw&bullotoavearsptior atbvitje.S mentioned t'te,reittbcrorc SOCII transrn&bullatt lit-tes rnust beeg-t o 10de:adline rorscamiss&bullano'lbids. case tne s sut»mittea oy a ioiral næet the anove experience critE1ia. tits bit*ing wocessv lead partrgr Each JV padr&buller atner than hä'iE oomp&bullleud as a main contractor or approved sub-cordrattor compriGing at survey, sub-GO" i0'CStjgatiortG. construction or conventional ICAJßdatjÜ'S, erection Of towers, stringing- testing & at 220kV voltage bundle:d transmission metradduttnglastle.n (1 years, Mall Wideroe in this reqarc including inter aua cocoes (Witn attr@contract agreemertl$&bdquo suns&bulltantja complet)ton ant igctnectFi1ract10. The bidder oval guad burdle tens.icn stringing illortg with associated TGP and critici&bulleooment d!" supported wilh euider.tctcateoql.esfdtae,'ings like wcrks&bulln goocwctmgcall(lilion, Alternatively. i' tne source of saiC nzchirer»&bull. etc. along documentary and shall provide recessary guarameefsurety that he arrange ü'esaidem.lipmerdii good workjngcar.ditiCT1 through its resourcespriO&bullr tostartaf stringngacbvity. Tttearcrementijned Shall submittedwith t'Cbid. 6. bids must oeacccønwaniec Security in lhe arrjouatspec:djec for totin diddir.g Data in Cd oar' guaa.ntee onbidsecwity form the formcd dL'FOSitatC.all cgfrorwa $.cnetfllec Bara in Pakistan in 7. The bidS be dL'live&bulle:] to the atove Office Ct before kW.St 15.2024 at 1 1 am. BidS Bifl be opened 1 3Jam ltgsame day, inthepresenceot chocse attend at 't'* same address. Venue - ShaheenCamßie:x, E&bullaeftonmaad. L,afve &bullPakistan g. NTOCreserveallitsriahts ar CHIEF ENGINEER MP&M NTDC O ewspaper u, from Jang dated 12 July, 2024
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