Town Committee Daur Tender Notice for sanitation of roads street clean of open drains & sewerage lines , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No. TC-Daur/765/ of 2024 Daur TENDER NOTICE OFFICE OF THE TOWN COMMITTEE DAUR INF-KRY: 2265/24 Dated: 07/06/2024 Sealed tenders are invited from all the interested contractor/firms/parties as per SPPRA Rules 2010 for the Financial Year 2024-25 in connection to execute following work within jurisdiction of Town Committee Daur District Shaheed Benazirabad. Sr. No. 1 Name of Work Sanitation of Road/Streets Clean of Open Drains and Sewerage Lines of Town Committee DaurWard No. 01 to 07 (Period 01-09-2024 to 30.06-2025) Tender Cost call Deposit 2% Tender Fee Period Quoted Rate 02% 10 3000/- Months 1. 2. SCHEDULE FOR ISSUE & OPENING OF TENDERS 3. 4. 5. i. Bid is signed, named and stamped by the authorized person of the firm along with authorization letter METHOD OF PROCUREMENT (SINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE) Bidding/Tender Documents: ii. Blank tender documents will be issued to the firms on submission of application on their original letterhead from the office of Town Committee Daur from the date of publishing in newspapers/hoisting on SPPRA website or can be downloaded from SPPRA website 15-07-2024 (with tender fee shown against each work in cash payment (non-refundable)) during office hours till 06-08-2024 at office time (No tender will be accepted/ received after office time) and will be dropped on 06-08-2024 at12:OO noon and opened on 06-08-2024 at 01:00 PM in presence of Procurement Committee, contractors or their authorized agents. In case, due to any reason. it no tender is received on the above dates then the next date ot submission and opening will be 21-08-2024 at the same time and venue as mentioned above and the tender docume ts will be available for sale upto 07-08-2024 (during o c hours) and other terms & conditions will remain th me. 1. 2. 3. Contract documents and other terms and conditions can be seen or downloaded from the official website of SPPRA i.e. "'i. The bid security 2% in shape of call deposit from any scheduled bank of Pakistan in favour of District Council Mirpurkhas should be original attached with the bids/tenders, otherwise such tenders will not be entertained. Manner of Bid Security other than CDR will not be accepted. The tenders should be submitted along with the above required documents/information. If any such required documentsnnformation lacking then the tenders will not be considered by the procuring committee and no excuse will be entertained. ELIGIBILITY/MANDATORY TERMS& CONDITIONS a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. The contractors have to submit the fo owing documents for the issuance of tenders. The c6htiäctors/firms must be registered with PEC for the yeåV2024-25 in relevant category with valid certificate. Registration Certificate o indh Revenue Board Government of Sindh (SRB ith Active Status). Registration with Income Department (NTN Certificate) with active status with F eral Board of Revenue. Contractors/firms h to produce Affidavit showing volved in any litigation or is not that the firm is blacklisted by a epartment & partnership deed of any, copy of CNIC of roprietor, Annual Income Tax Returns of the last three years. Contractors/firms should have to produce turnover of last 05 years (including relevant experience in field for at least last five years), bank statement along with account certificate have to submit list of projects completed in last 05 years along with satisfaction certificate from Department concerned. List of technical/non-technical staff working under the firms/contractors(agencies. Details ot Professional Tax paid for the year 2025 by firm/ contractor/agency. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. In case of holiday or any unforeseen circumstances on opening date, the bids shall be submitted and opened on the next working day at the same times If any fake document is found, the tenders will be rejected at any time without any further notice. Contractorstfirms/agencies have to accept all above mentioned terms & conditions without any change. Conditional and telegraphic tenders will not be accepted, In case any member of procurement committee happens to be out of Headquarters on the date of opening, the bids will be submitted and opened on the next working day on same schedule. Bid validity period 90 days. The procurement authority reserves the right to reject any or all tenders,'bids as per SPPRA Rules 2010 (Amended upto date). TOWN OFFICER TOWN COMMITTEE DAUR O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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