Ministry Of National Health Services Regulations & Coordination Islamabad Tender Notice for Operationalization & Maintenance services for incinerator,incinerator specifications , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No. 1-1/ESMP-2023-24/lncinerator Government of Pakistan MINISTRY OF NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES, REGULATIONS & COORDINATION FEDERAL DIRECTORATE OF IMMUNIZATION PROPOSALS FOR PREQUALIFICATION NOTICE FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION OF COMPANIES/FIRMS FOR OPERATIONALIZATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR INCINERATOR The Federal Directorate of Immunization (FDI), under the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, invites reputable companies/firms registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and on Active Payers List (APL) of FBR to submit sealed Proposals for prequalification the operationalization and maintenance of an eco-friendly incinerator located in Islamabad. Companies / firms must demonstrate strong technical, financial, and managerial capabilities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Incinerator Specifications: The incinerator has a daily capacity of incinerating 1000 kg of hospital waste using LPG/Natural gas. It features a double chamber system that reaches temperatures of 1200 degrees Celsius and includes a high-quality wet scrubber to control hazardous gases. It is equipped with both manual and automatic waste loading systems. Waste Collection Requirements: Interested firms will be responsible for collection and transportation of up to 800 kg/day hospital waste from health facilities in Islamabad, preferably Government hospitals/Labs, on the negotiated terms and rate of collection will be finalized after bidding. Estimated maximum 200 kg/day EPI waste will be provided by DHO office for incineration without cost. Accordingly maximum feasible capacity of 1000 kg/day incinerator would be utilized. Scope of Services: The scope of services is detailed in the pre- qualification document available online. Eligibility criteria and pre- qualification details are available on the FDI website ( and ( Shortlisting/ Pre-qualification: Applicant firms will be shortlisted based on their profiles, meeting the criteria set by the FDI. Shortlisted firms will undergo further evaluation through a prequalification process. Prequalified firms must submit proposals in accordance with FDI requirements as per Rule 15 (1) of Public Procure t Rules, 2004, which will be evaluated as perthe criteria defined inth e iglbility/prequalification (RFP)documents. PYOThe proposal for prequalification form is Submission Guidelin available on the FD website ( Interested firms must submit their propoSas both electronically and manually. The original proposal, along} all required documents, should be submitted to the office of the ersigned. Additionally, firms must register on E-Pak Acquisition@lsposal System (E-PADS) and submit their proposals on the designate •PPRA website ( Proposals for prequalfication must be submitted on 26-07-2024 at 11.00 hours and will be o @hed on the same day at 11 :30 Hours sharp in presence ofall bidders in theoffice ofthe undersigned. Electronic Prequalification documents, containing detailed requirements, terms and conditions are also available for the registered bidders on EPADS at ( The competent authority reserves the right to reject all proposals at any time prior to acceptance of a proposal as per Rule 33 (Rejection of Bids) of PPRARules2004. Deputy Director (Procurement) Federal Directorate of Immunization (FDI) Ministry of National Health Services Regulations & Coordination PM's National Health Complex, Park Road Chak Shahzad, Islamabad Phone No. 051-9255101 PID (l) No.251/24 O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 12 July, 2024
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