Ministry Of Federal Education & Professional Training Islamabad Tender Notice for Disruptive Education,Equipment,Lab with chrome books & Allied Equipment , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BID TENDER / REQUEST FOR THE PROPOSAL FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES CENTRES AT ICT, GB & AJK Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training (M/o FE&PT), Islamabad under the PSDP project titled "Disruptive Education: Transforming Schools into Foundries of Emerging Tech" invites the bids from the eligible vendors/firms for the establishment of emerging technologies centres at ICT, GB & AJK on QCBS method. M/o FE&PT invites proposals from eligible vendors/firms to establish 30 x Type A: High End Digital Labs with PCs & allied equipment and 320 x Type B Labs with Chrome Books and allied equipment. 90% of the labs will be setup in FDE schools in Islamabad district within 3 months (90 days). 10% of the total labs will be established each at GB and AJK and should be setup within 1 20 days. The Proposals should be based on fixed rates for two types of labs, inclusive of all applicable taxes and premiums, and must meet the RFP's specifications. 2. The interested Firms/Vendors are invited to submit sealed bids by following "Single Stage-Two Envelops" bidding procedure in accordance with the PPRA Rules 36(b). Each bid shall comprise two envelopes containing, financial proposal and technical proposal each along with any supplementary documents that the organization feels relevant may be submitted to the Procurement Specialist. Technical Proposals will be opened first; those who will qualify in the technical bids will be evaluated financially. Only those who are registered with legal entities are eligible to apply for the bid 3. The last date for submission o &lds will be 24-07-2024 by 02:00 PM. Technical Proposals will be ope ed on the same date at 02:30 PM in the presence of the representati the firms who may wish to attend. Bid security of two percent (20 n the shape of a Pay Order, CDR. or Banker's Cheque, in the name of ocurement Specialist, is required, and must be furnished along with Finægp al Proposal. M/o FE&PT will not be responsible for any cost or expense in rred by the bidders in connection with preparation or submission of bids n se of official holiday on the day of submission, next day will be treatedge closing date. Bid notice has also been posted on PPRA website (www Electronic proposals will not be entertained other than bids re¯uired to be submitted through PPRA e-Procurement Portal-EPAD t (<). The procuring agency has right to cancel thet ctivity any time. The detailed bidding document/RFP can be downloaded from the PPRA and M/o FE&PT's website. Pre-Bid meeting will be held at Project Coordination Unit, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (M/o FE&PT), Khyaban-e-Suharwardy, Zero Point, Pakistan Manpower Building on 17-07-2024 at 1 1 :OO AM. Disruptive Education: Transforming Schools into Foundries Of Emerging Tech Procurement Specialist, Project Coordination Unit, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (M/o FE&PT) Khyaban-e-Suharwardy, Zero Point, Pakistan Manpower Building, Gate 3, c ewspaper Islamabad Email: [email protected] 051 -9252497 u, from Dawn dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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