Ministry Of Federal Education & Professional Training Islamabad Tender Notice (1) for Procurement Activity Titled Engineering Services of a private Education Services , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BID TENDER 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE PROCUREMENT ACTIVITY TITLED - ENGAGING SERVICES OF A PRIVATE EDUCATION SERVICE PROVIDER FOR RECRUITING, PROVISIONING AND MANAGING PERFORMANCE OF SEVENTY-FIVE (75) CODING FELLOWS UNDER THE "CODING, ROBOTICS AND A1 LEARNING FOR PRIMARY GRADE STUDENTS" PROJECT Federal Directorate of Education under Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training intends to procure the services of an Education Service Provider for recruiting, provisioning and managing seventy-five (75) Coding Fellows under the "Coding, Robotics and A1 Learning for Primary Grade Students" program (detailed document is available on Ministry's website at as well as on PPRA at For this purpose, the Consulting services of experienced and qualified service providers are required. FDE under M/o FEPT aims at running pilots on "Specialized coding robotics and A1 Learning for Primary Skills Development Program" on short medium- and long-term basis. The purpose of this tender is to provide high-level 75 Coding Fellows requirements for the "SPECIALIZED TRAINING" evaluation process and ultimately the selection process. 2. The interested service providers are invited to submit sealed bids by following "Single Stage Two Envelops" bidding procedure in accordance with the PPRA Rules 36(b). Each bid shall comprise two envelopes containing, financial proposal and technical proposal each along with any supplementary documents that the organization feels relevant may be submitted to the Procurement Specialist. Technical Proposals will be opened first; those who will qualify in the technical bids will be evaluated financially. Only those who are registered with legal entities are eligible to apply for the bid. A Bid Security/Bid bond is required and acceptable in the shape of a Bank Guarantee/Bank Draft/Pay Order/Demand Draft/Bankerrs cheque/CDR only, issued from any scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, as 2% of the project value, in the favor of Procurement Specialist M/OFEPT should be enclosed at submission of Proposals. 3.The last date for submission of bids will be 25-07-2024 by 12:00 PM. Technical Proposals will be opened on the same date at 1 2:30 PM in the presence of the representative of the firms who may wish to attend. The bid shall comprise a single package containing two separate envelopes. Each envelope shall contain separately the financial proposal (Prices must be mentioned with all applicable taxes otherwise bid will be rejected) and the technical proposal. The envelopes shall be marked as "FI@ÄNCIAL PROPOSAL" and "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" in bold and legible le s to avoid confusion. The bid shall remain valid for 1 20 days extendable up d 60 days the date of bid opening prescribed above, the bid security sho 14T)0t expire till 120 days. Financial Bids of only technically qualified bidder hall be opened on a date/time to be announced subsequently. Financial b@of bidders that may not qualify technically shall be returned unopened. 4.The tender docume t Including detailed Request for Proposal must be obtained from the undersigne during office hours before the closing date and time by presenting writt request for issuance of RFP document or from Website of www.mofept. k. Valid NTN / GST Registration Certificates and AGPR Vendor Number requi d for collection of the tender documents. Electronic proposals will not be enterhained other than bids required to be submitted through PPRA e-Procurement Portal-EPADS at (, and late bids will be rejected. M/o FE&PT will not be responsible for any cost or expense incurred by the bidders in connection with preparation or submission of bids. In case of official holiday on the day of submission, next day will be treated as closing date. Bid notice has also been posted on PPRA website (<). The procuring agency has right to cancel the activity any time. The detailed bidding document/RFP can be downloaded from the PPRA and M/o FE&PT's website. Director General FDE, Project Coordination Unit, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (M/o FE&PT) Khyaban-e-Suharwardy, Zero Point, Pakistan Manpower Building, Gate 3, Islamabad Email: [email protected] 051-9252497 O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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