Dhq Hospital Jhelum Tender Notice for Frame Work Contract Of Local Purchase Of Medicine & Disposable items,Frame Work Contract, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BIDS/TENDER NOTICE The Medical Superintendent DHQ Hospital Jhelum invites sealed bids from Medical Stores / Pharmacy Business (For Medicine Tender), companies / firms / authorized distributors and experienced suppliers having valid NTN Number tor the framework contract of following items for the year 2024-25 under Punjab Procurement Rules 2014. Detail Noe Estimated Cost Bid Security 2% Tender Tender Opening Framework Contract for Local Purchase of Medicines / Surgical / 15 Million Disposables for Sehat Sahulat Program (SSP) FY 2024-25 Fee 2000/- Date / Time 01-08-2024 1 AM d. Bidding shall be conducted through Open Competitive Bidding (Single Stage-Two Envelopes) procedure specified in the Punjab Procurement Rules PPRA 2014 (amended upto 2020 and any other subsequent amendments) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the bidding document. 2. Interested eligible bidders may obtain bidding documents and further information from the office of the undersigned on submission of a written application along with payment of non-refundable fee of Rs. 2000/- (Two Thousand Only). Bidding docuåiénts for Framework Contract for Local Purchase of Medicines / Surgicals / Disposables (SSP) are. ailable till 01-08-2024 before or tili AM from office of Medical Superintendent, DHQ Hos it I Jhelum. 3. Bidding documents are also availa le h Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority website (www.ppra.punjabgov.pK) until the clos gdate for the submission of bids. 4. Bidding Documents must be accom ahied by a Bid Security in the form of CDR from a Scheduled Bank of Pakistan. 5. A single package containing sepa/ate technical and financial bids duly completed, signed, stamped, Documents should reach the office of the undersigned on or before sealed in conformity with Te Ids will be opened by the Procurement Committee in presence of 01-08-2024 at 11:00 A. representatives of bidde ho choose to attend. 6. Framework Contract for cal Purchase of Medicines / Surgicals / Disposables would be awarded to the vendor on the basis Xihaximum discount offered on national and multinational brands of medicines / Surgicals/Dispos@les 7. Bids which areomplete, unsealed, unstamped or not in accordance with the specified mode will be rejected. 8, The bidders are requested to give their best and final prices as no negotiation is allowed and bid validity should be till 30.06.2025. 9, Taxes will be deducted from invoices as per applicable government rules. For obtaining any further information or clarification, please contact the following:- (ISB-G) c e WS paper Medical Suprintendent DHQ Hospital Jhelum Tel: 0544-9270262 u, IPL-6S77 from Dawn dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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