Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad Auction Notice for Auction, Waste Material,Off Cuts,Shavings Of White Printing parers,ps plates,empty drums , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY ISLAMABAD AUCTION NOTICE - WASTE MATERIAL Ref. No. Procurement Method Due Date & Time for Submission of Offers Date & Time for Opening of Offers AN No. 01/2024-25 Sin le Sta e- One Envelo e 30-07-2024, 1030 Hours PST 30-07-2024, 1100 Hours PST Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), Islamabad hereby invites sealed Offers for the disposal/ auction of following used Waste Material on "AS IS WHERE IS" and annual basis at AIOU Main Campus, Islamabad: smo (1) 2 3 4 5 Name of Item Off-cuts/ Shavings of White Printing Papers (without Title Cover) PS Plates Obsolete Em Drums Wra in Pa ers Batten , White/ Brown Art Card Patti s/N0 8 (9) Name of Item Mix Raddi (Initial Printing Papers, Waste Papers, File Covers, Result Cards, Journals, Research Reports, Assi nments, Shavin of Printin Pa er with Title, etc. News a ers Answer Scri ts Admission Forms (Old/ Used) Auction Document containing detailed terms & conditions of the auction process, can be purchased from Directorate of Purchase & Stores, Storage Building, Behind Block No. 3, AIOU Main Campus, Sector H-8, Islamabad. Ph: 051-9250031 , 9250035 on submission of written application, duly supported by copies of Tax Registration Certificates and on payment of Pak. Rs. 2,000/- through Challan Formi which can be downloaded from the University website at link An Offer must be accompanied with Earnest Money of the required amount(s), mentioned in the Auction Document, in favour of "Treasurer, AIO U" in the form of Pay Order issued by a Scheduled Bank of Pakistan. A Pre-Offers' Submission Meeting shall take place on the date, time and place as follows, enlightening the potential Offerors about the terms & conditions of the Auction Process: Date: Time: Address: 22nd Jul 2024 1100 hours Pakistan Standard Time Committee Room of Sir S ed Hall Block No. 24, AIOU Main Cam us, Sector H-8, Islamabad The Offers, prepared in accordance with the instruct* given in the Auction Document, must be submitted in the Committee Room of Sir Syed Hall, Block No. 24, AIOU Main Campus, Sectql., -8, Islamabad, by or before July 30, 2024 at 1030 PST which shall be opened same day at same place at 1100 hours PST in the pres of the representatives of the Offerors who shall choose to be present. No Offerorshall be allowed to fill the Offerwit h University's premises. Also, only one representative of an Offerorshall be allowedtoenter the premises wherethe offers' submission ning shall take place. In case of submission of Offers throug c drier, the same must reach the Directorate of Purchase & Stores one day before the due date of submission of Offers. An Offer received after the due da tQn ime, either by hand or through courier, shall not be entertained in any case. Electronic submission is notallowed. Auction shall be conducted thr gh Single Stage-One Envelope bidding procedure, pursuant to Rule 36(a) of Public Procurement Rules 2004 (amended from time.9Åime) and is open to all potential Offerors. The waste material shall be disposed-off as per "Schedule of Lifting" mentioned in Auc!ion Document, as per its generation, and accordingly, a Closed Framework Agreement(s) shall be awarded for complete Fiscal Yeari024-25 basis. The successful Offeror(s) shall have to bear all the applicable taxes related to the auction process. This Auction Notice is only an invitation to an offer and the University reserves the right to accept or reject all offers at any time pursuant to Rule 33 of Public Procurement Rules 2004 (amended from time to time). This advertisement is also available at PPRAis website at Director (Purchase) Directorate of Purchase & Stores Storage Building, Behind Block No. 3, Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H-8, Islamabad Phone: 051-9250031, 9250035 O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 12 July, 2024
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