University Of Poonch Rawalakot Tender Notice for Specifically for services related to food,Tenting,Seeting Arrangement , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** UNIVERSITY OF POONCH, RAWALAKOT INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids are hereby invited from suppliers and firns that ate registered with the Income Tax department of Azad Jarnmu and Kashmir (AJK) and hold Sales Tax registration underthe category ot services, specifically for services related to Food. Tenting. seating arrangenmts, or General Services. These bids are solicited for the purpose of arranging the or convocation. tentatively scheduled for the 2" week of August 2024 at the Shamsabad camous of the University of Poonch Rawalakot. Bidding Oucumgot The comprehensive bidding document, which?tlines the detailed terms and conditions governing this procuremg, can be obtained from Procurement section ot the University of@pnch Rawalakot. However, to obtain this document, interested re required to deposit a non• refundable tee of Rs. 2500/., This e uld be paid in the formof a Bank Draft Pay Order made out in f the *Treasurer University of Poonch Rawa!akot, Azad Kashmir: Submission of Bids All bids must be met)Plously ptepared in strict accordance with the instructions provided the bidding docurmt. These completed bids must be delivered to utement section at the Treasurers office 01 the University of h Rawalakot. It is imperative that these bids reach the specified offide later than Oi PMonthe of July 2024. Bid0pen.i_ng The bids Will be officially opened on the same day. i.e., 29' ot July 2024, at 02:00 PM, This opening will take place in the presence of the participating bidders or their authorized representatives. Javed Iqbal Deputy Treasurerßecretary Purchase Committee Telephone: 05824-960058, 0345-4426645 Fax: 05824-960054 Email: [email protected] O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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