Standard Chartered Bank Limited Karachi Auction Notice for Auction,Prime Property Of Sale,Offer To Purchase Both Island Or Property, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** standard chartered PRIME PROPERTY FOR SALE IN BATH ISLAND An impressive residential heritage property isovoiloble for Sole in gath Island sitvotcd on Plot No. Ob. F'T&bullI, Frere Town, Mary Rood, Karachi. Storidard Chartered Bank invites offer(S) for in the prominent high-end lvxori&bullous areo Of Both tsland having t se of this prime property located s &bull roods Of Choudhc:vy Rehrnot Ali Rand, Mory Road ond Fromose Rood measuring squore s lease renewed for 99 years from 21st June. The Of on "AS IS WHERE is hove liability. warranty. o' representation whatsoever regording. itation. ony ond encumb«onces, loans, disputes. charges, easements, liens, mortgager status. or size. Iaspecuon of the tide documents o the undersigned. &bulltitle. quali»&bull. function. condition, environmental Cen arranged by With Seole&bulld Offers must be tendered in wviting nt to the address given below in on envelope clearly marked as "Offer to Purchase Both Island Property- by the deadline 23rd August 2024. The sealed offers Will opened Aug Each Offer must be accomponi0d by Earnest Money equivalent to net less thon 0.25% of of price in shope Of Poy Order or gonk Draft in favor of Standard Chartered Bonk (Pakistan} The offers shall remain volid 120doys Following the bid opening dote unless cose of rejection of the Offer. additional deem fit by the In money sholl be refunded within 120 doye All offers ore subjected to opp alot the Bonk's Managementand gonk shollhave the right to reject ony ond offers without ny reason whatsoever. Buyers wilt be expected to signa sote/pvrchose ogreement subject to o I by the Bonk. All expenses. registration chorges. stomp duty. taxes. CVL KMC KDA DMC LOA. n municipol, departmental charges, preparotion ot conveyance deed, sale deed acquiring the s of advocate, to poy fee to the advocate orony duty or ancillary expenses in respect Of the tran title. shall borne by the successful bidder. Advance tax or any other including but not limited to setion 236A 236K under the Income Tox low. on sole / transfer of the properties shall be recovered seö&åtely from the successful bådders, For further information obtaining offer subrnissico templates, please oor av'thog&bullized submitted be tow. Naveed M Merchant Asso&bullCiOt.OS. Address Mein Clifton Telephone 021-33866111-8 Mobile +92-301822629t E-.mail Odd ho O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 12 July, 2024
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