Parks & Horticulture Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Manufacturer,Distributors,Suppliers,General Order Supplier, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PARKS & HORTICULTURE AUTHORITY, LAHROE TENDER NOTICE tersers reputed edet ••••th r6@8 40te is dite Cost 8JdSeeutity 14±00000 74,000 s,coo or Olds: 01 1. Item wise rates shan be accepted, 2. The intended eltiblO pattiCipants can obtain the tender documents from the Office 01 Otectot & Operations}. Paüs & Hortici.nure Authority. Lahote during Offce hoots after the pwjcatjon o' this tender 00 paynl,ent Of Rs.5.OCO$- tender fee. The tender docurnents can also from PHA and {http:ueproepunjabgov.p*JAcm•etenders.asp*). website 3, The procurernentshau be corrtp•eted Rules 2014 on Single Stage — Single Envelop 4. Singte package bid, duty compkted. s.tned. stamped. seated and cc«npbete conformity with tenaet documents should be dropped. in the Office 01 Oirector (Manitoring Operations}. and Horticulture AvthO•gity Gate # Jiani Polk. Jäü ROäd. I-a-hete. no i@tetthan above mentioned dates, Bids Shall be opened on the same day at in the office o' Oitector tuonitoring Opetaticnsj. PHA in the pre:sgtcer the bidders may like to attend the tender opening ptoceedings- 5. The Cognpetent acceptance Ot bidS Ot reject all proposal* at any tirne prior to the The procuring agency shall upon request convnunjcate to any bdder. the grounds fog its rejection gf all bids C' poposals. but shan not be required to justity those ggotJ0ds, 6. The Cocnpetent.Authority reserves the rights to increase/decrease the above mentioned requfred quantity by 15%. 7, successful bidder has to provide Additional Performance Guarantee Security as per PPR,A rures 2014 chapter VIII clause (56) (upto 10% 01 work order amount) it any quoted 5% the estimated amount in Shape Of dank Guarantee Of Schedule Bank CDR favor of 'Director General ParkS & Horticulture Authority. Director (Monitoring & Operations) Parks & Horticulture Authority Gate No.4, Jilani Park, Jail Road, IPL-6598 Lahore Phone: 042-99202551, 99204639 O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 12 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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