Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad Tender Notice for Repair & Maintences Of Lift & Supply Allid Parts Accessories , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY ISLAMABAD INVITATION FOR BIDS NOTICE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE OF LIFTS AND SUPPLY OF ALLIED PARTS/ ACCESSORIES Ref, NO, Procurement MORhOd Oate & Tin•ve of Bids 8, 'Tift"O Oøoriing Of gids 04/2024.25 Singto Stago•Ono Envelope (IS' E) Date: 01.08-2024 Time: 1030 Hours. psr oate: Timo: PST 0148-2024 mama Iqbal Open university (AIOUJ. has anoat0d fuoøs ptocut•omertt of various, goo.dS & oc.n. consulting services. planned during the financial year 202425 and is intending that pan the pri*eeds or those fun•dS€ bO USOd to covor eti•giü pav•nonts un•dOt tm contracts resu'ting from tho respective ptoturornent The invito:s through c•pak Acquisition a, Disposal System ( from eiigible experienced firms registered with Incoa•æ Tax and Sales Tax Departments and Who are on Active List Of' tho 04 IOC' "Repair Maintananco of Lifts and Supply of Allied Parts/ Accessories". Oelivgred Outy Paid (OOPJ basks- The rnv'itat;on Bids is ailmed to pew-we services based on *'Open Framowork Agreement" approach. Initiany. the contract(S) Shan be awarded fCt tv,O (02) years and v.ou'd bé further subject to Säti:stactory annual podo«nance of tne Setvjce 'The conducted in With Stage•One procedure 01 Rules 2004 and any Regulations, Regulatory Guides, AuthOtity (from tune to time) and iS coen to au potontjat must 00 accompaniéd by a Bid SOCurity amoun the document, The scanned copy submitted physically along-wah the oö@inat bid. Bidding Document containing detailed tem•vs or Instructions issued bey the RS. 200.000b. in an as Given in be ugaoaded through e.PAOS and hardcopy must 01 the process. can be downloaded frun httøs;.veø freo Of cost. Interestöd bddOtS are roquest0d to rogiStOt th•emsotvos 00 e•PAOS (https•åerjrggistraUoo) and their accod'n•gay- in case or any query.r technical in usjng O•PAOS, tho prospective bidder(S) rnay directy contact Pub* procurernent Regulatory (PPR,A). A Pre•bid Meeting Shan tako date. timo and as Dato: Address: 23" July 1100 Standard Sir Syed No, 24. Alou Main Campus. Sector wamab,ad The bid(S) peoøared in æcctdance with the instructions rne,ntioned in tho Bidding Document, must bC submitted through o.PAOS at ot 1030 hours PST on August 01 , 2024, copy bödlS} property fitted-in & original* signed, and enclosed in sealed envebp<S), duty the Name & RCf. Number of tho procurernent activity. on atso to at aloeernentjooed addtoss by before the bids" subrmission date & tirr•e. The bids w/' be opened at 1100 hours PST through e-PAOS on the same date in the øeosonco o' bidders• representatives who Shall Choose to attOOd tho bidS' 0000in•g SOSSiOfi to 00 at Committee Room 01 Sir Syed Hall, Block No, 24 AIOIJ Main Campus, Sector Islamabad This advertisement is available at website of PPRA AIO•U at and respectivey- AWA'S SALEEM Director Directorate of Purchase & Stores Altama IqbOl opan University. sector H•8. ISIama.bäd c ewspaper Phone: oss-92S0031. 9250035 u, from Dunya dated 12 July, 2024
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