Special Branch Bahawalpur Tender Notice for Miscellaneous Items, A03304-Hot & Cold, A03901-Stationery,A03902-Printing & Publication,A03955-Computer Stationery , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SPECIAL BRANCH, BAHAWALPUR REGION (TENDER NOTICE) FOR F.Y 2024-2025 Special Branch, Bahawalpur Region invites E-Bids for the purchase/provision of Miscellaneous Items/Services in accordance with the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014. Bidders, including firms, companies, suppliers, or contractors engaged in trading, must be registered with relevant Registration Authorities and Tax Departments/Authorities (Income Tax, Sales Tax & Punjab Sales Tax, etc.). The bidding process will be conducted through open competitive bidding for the Financial Year 2024-2025 under the following head of accounts: - No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Head of account A03304 Hot & Cold A03901 - Statione A03902 - Printin and Publication A03955 — Com uter Statione A03970-001 - Others A013001 -Trans tt A13101 -Machine & E ui ment A13201 Furniture & fixture Estimated Amount in PKR in Millions 0.25 1.8 0.4 1.0 3.5 0.7 0.4 CONDITIONS Bid Security Amount in PKR in Millions 0.0075 0.054 0.012 0.012 0.03 0.105 0.021 0.012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. E-Bids will be opened on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 12:30 PM in accordance with Rule 30(1) of Punjab Procurement Rules-2014. The opening will take place in the presence of bidders or their representatives and the procurement/tender committee. All procurements will be conducted electronically through EPADS, as per Rule 12 of the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014 and Section 5 of the Punjab Electronic Procurement Regulations-2022. The bidding documents, which include all terms, conditions, requirements, and specifications, can be downloaded from the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority website ( and the EPADS website ( before the closing date and time. Bidding documents may also be available immediately after the date of publication, free of cost, on the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority website and the EPADS website, in accordance with Rule 25(1) of the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014 and sub-regulation 4 of the Punjab Procurement Regulations-2022. In the event of a public holiday due to any reason, the date of receiving and opening tenders will be considered the next working day. Each E-Bid shall comprise a single package containing both Technical and Financial components (inclusive of all taxes). The submission must be in complete conformity with the bidding document and should be made online through the E- Procurement system (EPADS) website, following the schedule below: - E-Bid Submission Date & Time E-Bid O enin Date & Time 31.07.2024 till 11:00 AM 31.07.2024 till 12:30 PM The bidders are required to submit the original bid security, @ 0 of the estimated cost as mentioned in the table above, in accordance with Rule 27 of the Punjab Procuremen ul +2014. The bid security should be enclosed in an envelope clearly marked with the bidding document number nd •tle, It must be in the form of a CDR, Bank Guarantee, Demand Draft, or Pay Order issued by any scheduled b kt favoring the S.P (Superintendent of Police), Special Branch, Bahawalpur Region, before the E-Bid submission deadl"n POSI/' Upon acceptance of tenders, bidders shall de Performance Guarantee in accordance with Rule 56 of the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014, The guarantee ount shall be @5% of the total value of the contract and must be submitted in the form of a deposit at cal in the name of the S.P (Superintendent of Police), Special Branch, Bahawalpur Region. Subsequently, the co tr reements will be drawn. The Performance Guarantee will be refunded upon successful completion of the contra The Regional Officer/S.P (Superinte en Police), Special Branch, Bahawalpur Region, reserves the right to reject E- Bids or proposals at any time p iOr acceptance of an E-Bid or proposal, in accordance with Rule 35 of the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014. Upon request, the procuring_gency shall communicate to any bidder the grounds for its rejection of all E-Bids or proposals, However, it shallOt be required to justify those grounds. The tendering pr oces?eguf conditions will follow Section 38(2)(a) of the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014. It will be a 'Single Stage' 'Two nvelope' process, as explained in the E-Bidding documents. The technical sample or brochure for each item shall beloaGåatory and will be evaluated. The Registration Certificate and other documents, as mentioned in the E-Bidding documents, must accompany the Technical Bids. Taxes will be deducted as per Government Rules. The E-Bid validity will extend until the closure of the Financial Year, i.e. 30406.2025. The repeat orders shall not exceed 15% of the original procurement, as per Rule 59(c)(ii) of the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014. Late comers will not be allowed to participate in the tender process. Note: in case Of any difficulty. during the online submission Of E-Bids through EPAPS due to technical issues, yog may submit hard copy of sealed bids (Technical + Financial) in this office before the deadline, in @ccordance with the punia> Procurement Rules-2014. Estimated Cost: 8.4 (Million) IPB-487 U Newspaper ( Tl Jul, ZUZ4) (MUHAMMAD ABID WARRAICH), SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE, SPECIAL BRANCH, BAHAWALPUR REGION, BAHAWALPUR. from Express dated 11 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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