Al Falah Building Lahore Auction Notice for Rental Vacant,Immovable Premises In Al Falah Building , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 042-99204034 No. AF ( 3 ) ADMINISTRATOR, AL-FALAH BUILDING 3'" FLOOR, ROOM # 316-317 ALFALAH BUILDING SHAHRAH•E-QUAID-E-AZAM, LAHORE Dated Lahore the July, 2024. INVITATION FOR AUCTION 1 BID Expressions of Interest are Invited from reputed natlonal, multlnatlonal companles, organizations, businessman and Indivlduals etc. for renung followlng vacant / Immovable premises in Alflah Building, Lahore MINIMUM RATE / DASE RATE MINIMUM MONTHLY PREMISES Room No.303 ird Floor Room N0i3i3.A 2. rd Floor Room NoS18.A 3, Fifth Fl AREA (SQ.FT.) 553 sq.ft. 190 sq,ft. 304 sq,ft. OF RENT PER SQ.FT. PER MONTH PKR Rs.98/• per sq.(t. Rs,98/- per sq.ft. Rs.88/• per sq.ft. RENT (PKR) Rs.54194/• Rs. 18620/- Rs.267S2/• Interested parties may visit the premises from 9.00 a.m to 2.00 p.m (Mon-Fri) before the dosing date mentioned bellow: Other Terms & Conditions; v. vi. vii. The applicaht should have a Postal"elephonic address. Post BOX No. shall not be acceptable as a proper address. Black listed flrms/defaulters are not eligible to apply. In case Of detection as black listed/defaulter at any stage, the authg!ty shall terntinate the agreement and forfeit the earnest money. The separate envelops must be•used', mentioning clearly the Room NO, on it. The envelop contained joined expression of'+rest for all rooms i.e. 303, 313-A & 518-A will be rejected. allotment may be obtained at the cost of Rs.1000/- (non- The other TORs pertains .316-317, Floor, Alfalah Building, Shahrah.e-Quaid-Azam, refundable) from the Lahore. The sealed expressio f interest from the interested persons should be submitted a Jong with CDR of amo@itdng to Rs.50,OOO/- (returnable) as earnest money in favour Of Chairman, provincial BoardoiManagement, Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund. The sealed pffgr along with CDR therein to the Office of Secretary (Funds) / Economic Advisor (BF), the Mall wing, Alfalah Building, Shahrah•e-Quald-Azam, Lahore on 02.08.2024 p.m. which will be opened on the same day In the presence of the parties and the open auction from the reserved price will be started and the rooms / room will be allotted on standard terms & condltlons to SUCCeSSfUl candidate within 07 days after depositing the SIX month advance. The Competent Authority reserves the rlght to reject all the Bids or Proposals under the prevailing Rules. IPL-6546 ADMINISTRATOR, ALFALAH BUILDING, GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB, S&GAD, LAHORE Newspaper ( Jul, zud4) from Express dated 11 July, 2024
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