Sheikh Zayed Medical College Hospital Rahim Yar Khan Tender Notice for Tender,General Store Items,Electric Items,Mechnical Items,Stationery & Printing Items,Beddding & Clothing Items,Supply Of LPG gas ,water management,Boimetric Items, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SHEIKH ZAYED MEDICAL COLLEGE/HOSPITAL, RAHIM YAR KHAN TENDER NOTICt YEAR 2024-25* Invitation for bids Advertisement notice af the tenders for the bulk purchase (Annual framewctk ßntr•ctl of General Store items, Elettgjcal items, Methargi•tal items, sanit•rv items', Printing items, Stationary items, Bedding Clothing items, 1.1, Biomedical items, Supplv of LPG gas and Waste Manavrent Items for pea,' 2024-25, Of Sheikh Medical Rahim Khat). [tenders ircm the eligible bidders i.e. ITWiL"acturer associaticn of firms'ccmpanies,tsale ortDtietat/ eeneral order JVS, regiftettd with td•eeant AüthCtities tax Departments/ Authorities tax; tax & Puriab Sales lax etc. fgt the orctutement Of framework for fingntiäl year 2024-25. petal o! sale and receiO! a! veneers are each !enÅer. Interested tidders may get the bideg dc•cwnents from procurement section cl' this instituti'%' subtfißion Of written applit*iOfi along with payment Of fee or Rs thousand ter.der sepnetv, as per schedule belcw wc•kirg hc•urs only, immediately aher the cf thiS advertisement a Of the requirements is abo available oc icastitutiortal website PPRA website. www.** 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. The Wddet shall fvtfii5h a bid setutity• af 2% o' tast Of each tender separatety in the farm of call deposit receipt in name of the *jeikh Medical COUeeefHospt,aIi Rahim tar Refundable) i' Pak rupees in finaraal bid and Of trust att*h With technical b" the bid be Sealed bid5 are required to be brought in person by the wthc•ted representative of the ifttcrettd bidders an goposed dates up•to 1080 and Will bC on the same day at 1100 in the committee of tiis institute in the presence of the bidders or th@it authorized representatives. Bib received aftet due tin-te rat be PPRA rules along-with an ænendments wa be followed. Should bCCfi F.O.R. ashee dClivcrytO ttte end it' rupecv for detailed terms arid conditions / method the gewaration and of ties, p.'egetonsult th@biddirg dOtwmer.tS. case the due c' cwenlftg last date af sale declared public halid.v tie • working day shall be deemed to the date af sale and suEfiißi•on and the tirne and shall remain the sarne- Single stagew two envelcp procedure. as peg rule Bid shall be iSC l:ssuyceOaeg due & tenecrs aetätdi'%tv. shall be Cote e' 9. NO. 4 7 items 9 IT items Cate Tendet lftRS.;- u.xo;- "'ertiEment •t 10tOam at 100m at Ita webste 3bc,ma;- ii,jo;- 3tc,xo;- 16M 3,SM asscssrnents end prccurinz procedures i.e. recei%'ina opening and »•arding etc: shall be 'overned bvtlte 2014, In NOK 058-8230164 Ext 820. IPE.490 O MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT Sheikh Zayed Hospital Rahim Yar Khan Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024) from Khabrain dated 11 July, 2024
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