Tehsil Headquarter Hospital Haveli Lakha Tender Notice for Manufacturer,Delaer,Supply,Local Purchase Of Medicines,Surgical iTEMS,Disposables Items,Drugs,Surgical, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BIDS/TENDER NOTICE 2024-25 TEHSIL HEADQUARTER HOSPITAL HAVELI LAKHA, DISTRICT OKARA The Medical Superintendent THQ Hospital Haveli Lakha has received Budget from Government of the Punjab for financial year 2024-25. Medical Superintendent THQ Hospital Havelj Lakha -jnvites sealed bids from interested Manufacturers, authorize sales and services dealer, Suppliers, firms/agencjes of repute with financially sound background involved in running institutional Pharmacy business/Chain ot Pharmacies/Djstributors having a valid Retail drug sale license for supply of drugs/medicines/surgical Disposables in case of Local Purchase Medicines ot below mentioned Tender items for the Year 2024-25. ,OOO/ Sr. No. 1 2 4 5 6 7 Tender Estimated Price Lots LOT-I LOT-2 LOT-3 LOT-4 LOT25 LOV6 LOT-7 Detail ot Tender Framework Contract of Local Purchase of Drug and Medicines, Surgical Disposable Items and Local Purchase ot Sehat Sahulat Program SSP Medicines, Surgical Disposable Items FrameWork Contract Printing Material and publications Items Framework Contract of Digital X-Ray Films Framework Contract of Stationery Items Framework Contract of General Store, Electrical and Medical Misc. Items Framework Contract of Dent Material Items Contract Framework Biomedical Gases Kits and Blood Bank It Fee 000/- 000/- oov Rs s. i ,OOOV Rs. ,000/- 000/- Rs. in (M) Rs.8.OM Rs.2.O M Rs.4.O M Rs. 1.0 M Rs.4.O M Rs.1.5 M Rs.3.O M Bid Security 2% of Estimated Cost Rs. 160,000B 2% of Estimated Cost. Rs.40,OOO/- 2% of Estimated Cost Rs. 80,000/- 2% of Estimated Cost Rs. 2% of Estimated Cost Rs. 80,000/- 2% of Estimated Cost Rs.20,OOO/- 2% of Estimated Cost Rs.30,OOO/- 2% of Estimated Cost Rs. Bid Closing Date & Time 26.07.2024 at 12:00 PM 2607.2024 at PM 26.07.2024 at 12:00 PM 26.07.2024 at •12:00 PM 26.07.2024 at 12:00 PM 26.07.2024 at '2:00 PM 26.07.2024 at q2:oo PM 26.072024 at 12:00 PM l) Bidding shall be conducte r ugh Open Competitive Bidding (Single Stage-Two Lnvelopc) procedures specified in the Punjab Pro ment Rules PPRA 2014 (amended Jan 201 6), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the bidding dbcument. 2) Interested eligible biddets ayobtain bidding documents and further information from the office of undersigned on submission of written Pfjplication along with payment of non-refundable fee Rs. d ,DOO/- each. Bidding documents are available tifl at QOO AM on Bid Closing Date from office of Procurement Officer, THQ Hospital Haveli Lakha 3) Biding docume r also available on ( till the closing date for submission of bids. 4) Bidding Documents must be accompanied by a Bid Security valid for 120 (lays as mentioned above in the form of CDR, Pay Order, Demand Draft, from a Scheduled Bank of Pakistan. 5) Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend on Closing Bid Date at 12:30 PM. in the Office of The Medical Superintendent Tl IQ I lospital Haveli Lakha On the closing date. 6) The bidders are requested to give their best and final prices as no negotiation is expected. 7) NTN and Sales Tax Registration Certificates must be provided. DR. SHABBIR AHMAD CHISHTI MEDICAL. SUPERINTENDENT THQ HOSPITAL, HAVELI LAKHA 0444-735916 (LHR-G) O Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024) IPL-6559 from Dawn dated 11 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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