Railways Department Sukkur Tender Notice for Supply Of Installation ,tESTING & Commissioning Of Uniterrupted Power Supply Of UPS, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN RAILWAYS Bid Reference No. 398-SlG/PSDP/UPS/2023-24 INVITATION FOR BIDS Dated 08.07.24 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Project Director "Immediate Track Safety Works on ROH-TDM section invites bids for "Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Uninterrupted Power Supply 3 phase UPS of capacity 20KVA(3Nos.) and 30KVA(2Nos.) on (TDM-ROH) Section over Sukkur Division from eligible bidders having PEC registration in category C-5 or above with specialization of EE-04 (valid/renewed on date of opening) a who are on ATL of FBR, on single stage two envelope basis as per PPRA rules. Tender documents can be obtaine rom (Tender No.F-240785134) free of cost. Bidders must submit their 'ds both Technical & Financial, through E-Pak Acquisition and Disposal System (E-PADS). TecÅnlcal bids must be accompanied by a scanned copy of Bid security in the form of CDR/P@6Fder, in the name of FA and CAO, amounting to Rs-0.480 Million whereas bid security in original shall be submitted in the office of Divisional Signal & Telecom Engineer/Sukkur alongwithøther necessary documents as stated in bidding documents before closing of submission time:) In addition, a hard copyxof tender duly filled (technical and financial proposals in separate envelopes) should b€Submitted in under mentioned office on 30.07.2024 not later than 12:00 hours. However, onl those bids shall be entertained for opening of bids which are submitted on E PADS. Technical bids wit be opened on same date and venue at 12:30 hours in the presence of the representatives d the firms who want to be present. Financial bids of only technically qualified firms will be opéhed for which time and date will be communicated to qualified firms accordingly. Tender notice is also available on PPRA website ( and Pakistan Railways website ( PID (H) 08/2024 O Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024) (Muhammad Raza Qureshi) Divisional Engineer/S&T/lTSW-ll For PD/lmmediate Track Safety Works on Tando Adam-Rohri Section, Concrete Sleeper Factory, Adam Shah Road, Sukkur. from Dawn dated 11 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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