Cantonment Board Karachi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Hiring Diff Items, For Rain Emergency 2024 approxmately 60 days On Requirements Basis Engineering Branch, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CBCIStore/ CANTONMENT BOARD CLIFTON CC•38, Street 10, k'h.e.Rahat, Phase-VI, Dl IA, Karachi-75500 Ph. 99266931-2, 99266933-4, 99266936, 99266935, Fax 99266945 Website: Dated: QUOTATION /_TENDER NOTICE July, 2024 CBC invites electronic bids for Procurement & Hiring of Diff items for Rain Emergency 2024 approximately 60 days on requirement basis, Engineering Branch, Clifton Cantt in accordance with PPRA Rules 2004 (As amended upto date) from the eligible firm5 registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Deptt and are on active tax payers list of FBR and also registered with Cantonment Board Clifton being procuring entity for electronic bidding. s.No Description Procurement & Hirinq of Diff items for Rain Emergency 2024 approximately 60 days on requirement basis. Enqineering Branch, Clifton Cantt 1. Detail of items and Specifications are mentioned at tt s• etender.mlc. ov. k Maior Terms and Conditions are as under: Estimated Cost Rs. 26.087 (M) under Head D-3 (b) Budget Estimates 2024-2025 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13. The quotations / tenders should only be submitted electronically online, on or before 2024 at 11:00 am through e-Tender portal of ML&C Deptt ( which will be opened on the same day electronically at 11:30 am. The contractors will be able to see comparative statement online, The bidder shall submit 4% B'd Security of the estimated cost sealed in envelop in the shape of call deposit at (original) only through courier before closing date and time In case of bid/rate quoted by the bidder is more than 10% below the estimated cost, the additional bid security In the shape of Pay Order / CDR issued by a Scheduled Bank of Pakistan in favor of CEQ CBC shall be sought from the successful bidder only to the extent of bid more that f below the engineer estimate in the form of percentage The requisite bid security shall be furnished within 07 days of issuance of LOA and in case of failure to submit the bid security, the eamest money shall be forfeited & quoted rates shall stand cancelled. The amount of additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of financial difference occurring in the quoted rates beyond below engineer estimate. Electronic bids should be submitted electronically on or before the fixed date I time, The bidders can register themselves with Cantonment Board Clifton at for online bidding one day prior to the last date of submission of the electronic bids. Electronic Bidding rates shall be quoted / evaluated o b e / Below or at par basis of Gross Amount Of BOO. Only two digits after th 'timal point shall be considered for evaluation purpose. Who provides incorrect information shalJstan disqualified and will be debarred under rule 19 of the PPRA Rules, 2004 (As amendedk work Is as specified in the NIT which will start from the Time allowed for completion issuance 01 letter of acce alid for 6 Months and rates shall be inclusive of FOR destination. Electronic Bids will shall sign the agreement with the procuring entity within Fifteen (15) days Successful Bi after acce cecf bid. The quoted rates Shail be inclusive of all appicable Government (Federal / Provincial) Taxes Call Deposit of scheduled Banks shall be acceptable from the respective Bank Account of the bidden Any bid received jn contravention cf enabling provisions of PPRA rules, 2004 will be declared non responsive by the Board being procuring entity Cantonment Board C!fton being procuring entity reserved the right to accept or reject any E-bid on te I / a ministrative grounds under Rule 33(1) of PPRARulest 2004 (As amended upto te). CANT: EXECUTIVE OFFICER CLIFTON CANTONMENT O Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 11 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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