Ministry Of Federal Education & Professional Training Islamabad Tender Notice for Consultancy Service,Consultant,Consultancy Service For Detail Feasibility Studies & Detailed Engineering Design, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2. 3. 4. c Request for Proposal (RFP) For "CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR DETAIL FEASIBILITY STUDIES AND DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN FOR THE PROJECT ESTABLISHMENT OF DAANISH SCHOOLS IN GILGIT BALTISTAN, (6B)" The Project Managemerd Miristry of Fideral Education and messional Tiüin,g. Government Of Pakistan rot proposal the 'CONSULTANCY SERVICt•S FOR DETAIL FEASIBILITY STUDIES ANO DETAILEO ENGINEERING OESIGN FOR THE PROJECT ESTABLISHMENT OF SCHOOLS IN GILGIT BALTISTAN consurants who fulfill criteia mentianecvn,lhes RFP available in office o' Project Ecgineer and an EPAOS at RFP document can be cogeeed the office a'P(0iect Managemeot W0 FE&PT Ot 25-07-202' tiffing Office hPIJfUThe comparti•es Sh01jd have valid and arid lina to cargy the and conflict ot interest. integested ccovanies should s proposals. comolete in an respects, to the office Project Oitcctot, FlogtSPüistan Manpower Institute, Xhavaban•e• SuhrwatdY. G•7ft, •stamabad Electronic bit* be suttfiittéd b}' usirtg EPAOS at en or betcge 30-074024 at II The be clear" "CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDIES AND ENGINEERING OESIGN FOR PROJECT ESTABLISHMENT OF OMNISH SCHOOLS GILGIT 8ALTlSTAN. technical proposal Shall be open,éd on d.ate at 11 The bid securing ShCQJld be envebp, The At.'thognyres*ves the lights of acceptar.ce or rejection ot any or all rams constm,nts reßjtabon or so ever fals to lullin the criteria at its sole discre{icqt; AuthOtity may ISquaMy the constaant firms it it is at Ut} Stage that the submitted by finns were incorrect Ot Incomptete, Auth01it! can also take penal action against the tums' Consutants ot deiar the firms / Consuiants Ibr Wre wotks Engr. Aaroon Joshua Oas Project Director, Project Management Unit (PMU) Ministry Of Federal Education and Professional Training 1" Floor. Pakistan Manpower Institute. G-7/1. Islamabad ewspaper u, from Thenews dated 11 July, 2024
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