Food Directorate Peshawar Tender Notice for Procurement For Supply Of Approximately Ammonium Phosphate , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. 15. FOOD DIRECTORATE KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PESHAWAR TENDER NOTICE Food, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites sealed tenders tor tne supply ot approximately 6,000 kg (Six Thousand KG Only) Phosmrate Tablets tat ggotecton of Government wheat stocks lying in various Provincial Reserve Centres in Khyber Pakhtut"khwa, required to Offer pet KG rate su:ppty Ammonium Phosmatetabms, Tender Form @ refundableStationety Charges) will be to firms having registration With any Government and wao possess valid permit'iltense supply Ammonium P!tosphate Tablets, Tender Form can be obtained trom Office ot mrectcr Food neat Haji Camp Bus Stand Pesnawarcity. till 5:00 PM during Tenderswill AM 10:55 AM the same date at AM in presence of the participant bidders ot their aulhorised representatives by the Opening Committee in toe office ot Director fooø, Pakmunkhwa, Haji Camp Adda. GI Road Peshawar earnest the theabove quantity in shape any schedule Bank in favour tfte uneersygneø snail submitted with earnest successful bidders, The successful bidder shall have to execute agreement with Oitectar Food Khyber Pakhtunkhwa within days after me approval ot rate. trte bidderjsupplier will deposit security in shape CDR'TOR in namc of Director fooø which shav be released aftersuccesslul supply Aluminum Phosphate Tablets. Method procurement shall be Simple Stage. Two Envelopes. The Füvancial Bids rates on Tender Form along with CDPdSDR) bidders will be opened wnase Technical Bid is responsive and meets all requirapent;s of procuring entity ie (Registration with FBR. KPRA. Federat'Provincial@yernment Department'institu:e and who possess vÜ,d permiVWcense supplß*mmonium Phospha',e Tablets, AnvFirm. who has been blacklisted bvan I - tionaVNa1ional WiB not be The supply shall have 10 be 30 days the placemen purchase atder. the supplied quantity shall bh0bCcked trom PCS.I.R Laboratory Peshawar or any Laboratory at the cost of lier The tablets shall be paced Each bottle shall be ai flask containing tablets in aluminium bottles. •reactive plastic polythene and manufacturers standard packing. package suitabletowithstandtransithazardsbyrailand road. Each package shillbemarked cording to provision contained in rule NO. 14 Of Aviculture Pesticide Rules pcescnbed tender shali oe to already mentioned brand which is r*eted wdh AgriculturcPesticides, Technical AdvisoryCommittee. II the succesfilbidder 'aits to execute aveement with Director Food, the earnest money shall be the Government. The fitm to pay Income Tax, KPRA Safes Tax on Service. Stamp Duty, OPR Funds and Protessjonal Tax ac:cudinqtotheprescribed rates fixed bytheG0vernment. The competent autt'0tity may reject the tenders pattiany or in lull on the oasis 01 cogent reasonSgrocm•d Any information. if requited, may be Obtained trom Direenrate FOOd, Haji Camp Adda GT Road, Peshawartitl one day belote tendering. The ptoceedinqs dunno the tender openinqshall be video recorded ror transparency. DEPUTY DIRECTOR ACCOUNTS FOOD DIRECTORATE PESHAWAR O Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 11 July, 2024
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