The Bank Of The Punjab Lahore Auction Notice for Auction,Land Auction,Agricultural Land,Factory Property, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** THE BANK OF PUNJAB PUBLIC AUCTION OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES WHI•RfÅS lhe lahore Court' Lahore judgment decree Oted COS Nm 258505.701B infam,r Hank Pumab the jud4ff'Phide•btors named and in sumof%. with and funds. The judgmentdeitors havelailed to p.y the amounv. WH*RfåS the lahore High vide jated 09•ös-2024 passed in l•xecuiioo Petition No. 8061 allowed the Pigperl'i•eg. •ai'hgut intervention Of the under section 1913j of of Ftn»nces3 Ordtn•nte, ICOI read with financial Institutions lhe in favour BOP 00 it to Ell the mongaqed ptopert»es by together With of tide. WHfRfåS in terms of Rules j and lhe Rules, NIB, got the Mortgaged Properties independently by three P;$å determineB9 pritedOn•ed pursuant to dited 21-03-2024, integrrv,og the Judgment of appointment of the afccesud Mating time and their gbieei0n received, The are Ws Pvt Ltd. ws Consultants Construction and ltd. the highest & I'd, adopted pore Rule ibid. NO'" THEREFORE ifii'ites all ifttetested participate in the public auction 01 the Mort"€d Propetjes per the gwen Mhedule; qamts 0$ CtBtORS: t, Sallylextile Mills limited having iO Gulbewl'. Main Lahore. thrwgh CEO, Salahuddin and itCh&k NO. Vuntfargarh ROBd. Jauharaad. Khushob, Mian Iqbal Salahuddin Of Mian Salahu&ifi 3. Mian Yousaf Salahuddin son of Mian ILjif"10fiGuara.M0ffMottqagotl Asad Salahvddin Salahuddin 5, Mumira Salahuddin Salahuddin Of House ho. M& Boulevafd. DESCRIPTION RESERVE PRICES) SaleValue • 4. Propeny Description pane* 1. alari;wnh ere, 3.17." SOFT E•aiH'f4 SCFT tho' piece "d Bioel TSUI, ICs With land. & OisttiCI Otote. ea•ned ard*. • Aidelermined by M," & Ltd lt•eing the highest value amonqil the three independent OluatiOf1S). The valuåIi0M by MIS Were Rf. RS Rs. R'. 'especiæl. Similarly, were Rs. Rs, Bidding: Ecate& at Open it Sop tthui l•ht«. Terms and Au ction Schedule Date Oar. * T•esday) Offne. i.•h0". Division, Head 6th BCF Main c (1 ulbefg•/ll, time during Office hourv (opies Will be•dcd oo reque*l. o above, bid shall be received below the Pine, 3, Interested the sum of Rs. sep •aith O*vOfCKlC and tell shall be tequired Submit euh gcopenye the name cd'lhe Bank of Punpb" along 4, bidder will be 5. On thc bid by of twenty•fiue Of me bid amount "Silhiff dap of the lhe the Eid amount shall be deposited nithio fifteen dav, cd thc deposit, In gf or VheS•ddo deposit Ibe temaifiinqartsc•znt ' h BOP amour" as of of the bar Iheauction proceedings recomy of lhe remairøo•a amo•nt 6. After II bidmoney. tie bank 'hall applicable tuxes and upenses, costs, charges etc: in to the Of til*. undet section A fi00-filet 8. execution and tegistratjon the sale deed of the Mortg•ged hope,ny i' of the successful biddeJ„ all righl€ Ehd interest in Shall by law in bidden•pwchaser and the be dr.esteø of any, utte nd tmerest in the Mortgaged 10 tar. from due p,vjment. lheptupertvshall wttete Will assume any tewtßibilit'iü. the title mopert•y. chargeie•ncumbrdßle thereto. me»uremerns and lhe duo Electrxili. property tax etc. Partituvaß Ihepropercy have been per possible ifif:otftation. II, be Ibe bids BOP withOUt assigning any 13, 01 is sale PH Pnsu Ch.yge htddeon Land Building on 14. Other tent" conditions. if any. be announced commentement ele*ß SRM•Special Assets management Division The Bank Of Punjab, Head Office 6th Floor, BOP Tower Block Main Boulevard, Gulberg•lll, Lahore Ph 0322-4747081.0300-9680483, 1042135783899. 35783865. 35783700-10 at 9634 O Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024) from Jang dated 11 July, 2024
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