The Bank Of The Punjab Lahore Auction Notice for Auction,Land Auction,Agricultural Land,Factory Property, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** THE BANK OF PUNJAB PUBLIC AUCTION OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES WHI&bullRfÅS lhe lahore Court' Lahore judgment decree Oted COS Nm 258505.701B infam,r Hank Pumab the jud4ff'Phide&bullbtors named and in sumof%. with and funds. The judgmentdeitors havelailed to p.y the amounv. WH*RfåS the lahore High vide jated 09&bullös-2024 passed in l&bullxecuiioo Petition No. 8061 allowed the Pigperl'i&bulleg. &bullai'hgut intervention Of the under section 1913j of of Ftn»nces3 Ordtn&bullnte, ICOI read with financial Institutions lhe in favour BOP 00 it to Ell the mongaqed ptopert»es by together With of tide. WHfRfåS in terms of Rules j and lhe Rules, NIB, got the Mortgaged Properties independently by three P$å determineB9 pritedOn&bulled pursuant to dited 21-03-2024, integrrv,og the Judgment of appointment of the afccesud Mating time and their gbieei0n received, The are Ws Pvt Ltd. ws Consultants Construction and ltd. the highest & I'd, adopted pore Rule ibid. NO'" THEREFORE ifii'ites all ifttetested participate in the public auction 01 the Mort"&eurod Propetjes per the gwen Mhedule qamts 0$ CtBtORS: t, Sallylextile Mills limited having iO Gulbewl'. Main Lahore. thrwgh CEO, Salahuddin and itCh&k NO. Vuntfargarh ROBd. Jauharaad. Khushob, Mian Iqbal Salahuddin Of Mian Salahu&ifi 3. Mian Yousaf Salahuddin son of Mian ILjif"10fiGuara.M0ffMottqagotl Asad Salahvddin Salahuddin 5, Mumira Salahuddin Salahuddin Of House ho. M& Boulevafd. DESCRIPTION RESERVE PRICES) SaleValue &bull 4. Propeny Description pane* 1. alariwnh ere, 3.17." SOFT E&bullaiH'f4 SCFT tho' piece "d Bioel TSUI, ICs With land. & OisttiCI Otote. ea&bullned ard*. &bull Aidelermined by M," & Ltd lt&bulleing the highest value amonqil the three independent OluatiOf1S). The valuåIi0M by MIS Were Rf. RS Rs. R'. 'especiæl. Similarly, were Rs. Rs, Bidding: Ecate& at Open it Sop tthui l&bullht«. Terms and Au ction Schedule Date Oar. * T&bullesday) Offne. i.&bullh0". Division, Head 6th BCF Main c (1 ulbefg&bull/ll, time during Office hourv (opies Will be oo reque*l. o above, bid shall be received below the Pine, 3, Interested the sum of Rs. sep &bullaith O*vOfCKlC and tell shall be tequired Submit euh gcopenye the name cd'lhe Bank of Punpb" along 4, bidder will be 5. On thc bid by of twenty&bullfiue Of me bid amount "Silhiff dap of the lhe the Eid amount shall be deposited nithio fifteen dav, cd thc deposit, In gf or VheS&bullddo deposit Ibe temaifiinqartsc&bullznt ' h BOP amour" as of of the bar Iheauction proceedings recomy of lhe remairøo&bulla amo&bullnt 6. After II bidmoney. tie bank 'hall applicable tuxes and upenses, costs, charges etc: in to the Of til*. undet section A fi00-filet 8. execution and tegistratjon the sale deed of the Mortg&bullged hope,ny i' of the successful biddeJ&bdquo all righl&euro Ehd interest in Shall by law in bidden&bullpwchaser and the be dr.esteø of any, utte nd tmerest in the Mortgaged 10 tar. from due p,vjment. lheptupertvshall wttete Will assume any tewtßibilit'iü. the title mopert&bully. chargeie&bullncumbrdßle thereto. me»uremerns and lhe duo Electrxili. property tax etc. Partituvaß Ihepropercy have been per possible ifif:otftation. II, be Ibe bids BOP withOUt assigning any 13, 01 is sale PH Pnsu Ch.yge htddeon Land Building on 14. Other tent" conditions. if any. be announced commentement ele*ß SRM&bullSpecial Assets management Division The Bank Of Punjab, Head Office 6th Floor, BOP Tower Block Main Boulevard, Gulberg&bulllll, Lahore Ph 0322-4747081.0300-9680483, 1042135783899. 35783865. 35783700-10 at 9634 O Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024) from Jang dated 11 July, 2024
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