Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services Corporation Limited Islamabad Tender Notice for Purchase Of Aluminium Phosphide Tablets For Wheat Crop , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** @ PASSCO INVITATION TO BID PURCHASE OF 28,500 KGS ALUMINIUM PHOSPHIDE TABLETS FOR WHEAT CROP 2024 1 , Pakistan Storage and Services Corporation (PASSCO), a public Limitetl Company. invites sealed trom Wdl reputed Cognpany Fitm S',nøers tor purcoase Of 28,500 Kgs Aluminium Phosphide tataets as net specifications grven according to PPRA Rules, 2004 and aner additional conditions Wheat Crop-2024 mh approved Itymu'a specifr.alions by Department ot pant Protecton under Wo 8. Research, Islamabad, The Bidders must posæssv•alid three year experience in supplying rerated items to Public j' Private Sector Organizations and should be registered wilh Government 01 Pakistan in term cd Awicdtural Pesticides Ortnnance 1971 and all rekvant taxation Depanment:swt Mcceover€ Compar.y Firm / Suppliers are required to render a fresh certificate 01 asswanæ from freir nznufacturers Of required stock 01 Aluminium Rlosphide Tablets to PASCO. as per .ecifrcatjons given belvv'fr As lettB Sejcd by Departrncnt Of Plant Protection WO National Food sanrity research, L,mder ordinance Pesticida 1971 vide No.1-1W2023-Reg, chted 19.012024 a. b, c. d. e. g. h, Alumtwm Phosphide content by AOAC 26,559 (1943). Min: 56% Alumiwm Phosphide must be tree from Cd & As- Inert sjdtstances as hydroponic free retardant agents and tablets aids. Total PH3 per Tablet 1 wam Tablets start ewlvinq PH3 gas at least 30 minutes alta tablets have been unpacked, Weight of each tablet Evot,'ing of PHJ gas shall stop after 120 hours un•packjr.g cd tablets, Ash must be Tree OT Pb, Cd AS, Tablets wnen esoxjsetl to atmosgoeric rajmiditj' and temperature Stall not Shoe.' agw evidence 01 slXl•ntanems tomb',ßtjon, The composajon OT the tablets shall include a suitable fire retarding agent. The tablets must be resistnt against abrasion ard shall not be in broken un-packed, Gas: 3 Grams 2. The Bidding Shall be cmducted in line vaMh the Rule (b) Sir* Stage Tva Emeline Procedure' Of the Public Rules. 2004. All bidders quote the* rates *lc11J5ive of all gwernment applicable taxes. duties. hading, unloading Charges etc. on delivered basjS Within Pakistan as per prex:ribed bid AJI bits be a bid security as pet 25 Of PPRA iO Order" C..ßhiers Cheque or Bankers Cheque issued by any bank in Pakistan in favour ot PASSCO. Bid secunty ot the successful bidder will 5% performance secunwj' guarantee. Cash Cheque Deposit Receipt OR) Security Deposit Receipt (SOB) not acceptable and bid rejected. 3. The Bidding oocuments can be 01 EPAOS — PPRA , PASSCO and PPHA Bids can only be submitted online via VPADS 'TPA, whereas bid submitted manualty *Jall Stand rejected , 4. The bids shall remain valid for sixty(60) åays from the opening date of bid. Each bid comprise of separate Technicalprognl and Financial Proposal. Bids wil be oper.ed as per bem Last Date tor Date of (bening Bid by PASSCO Bidtnng Purchaseof of Technical Ocra.nn.ents / Bid Submissjcn Date 26.072024 Aluminum Phosphide Tablets 2907.2024 0100 How) 5. Bids addressed to General Manager (Commercial} should be submitted thrmgh EPADS — t 100 hourson the same day inthe presence of tiddersc« their authorized representatwes. rnay care to be present, 6- Bidding documents are available for interested pallies in the Offce of Managet (Cas.m, Office. No. 042-99201461.62}. 7, PASSCO Management reserves lhe to reject all proposals undet Rule 3,311} FPM Rules. Interested parljes cat Obtain further informatjfjrt from the office Olficer Irtdtarge (Commercial) during Office hours (0830 hours to 1630 hours) telepmne 1/0.0424?01466., Ext 1404. GENERAL MANAGER (Commercial) Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services Corporation Linlited PASSCO Head 11 Kashmir Rced. calve. No. 042-99201461-62 Website: O Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024) from Jang dated 11 July, 2024
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