National Fertilixer Marketing Limited Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Tally Services at Airports , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL FERTILIZER MARKETING LIMITED TENDERS FOR TALLY SERVICES NFML CONTRACT AT PORTS National fertilizer Marueting ljmited invites "Single Stage-One envelope prccedure" renders are invited from rally Servtces Contractors, registered with Income tax and provinoal/sale,s tax department for Gawadar- Karachi Bin aasim ports fer Siv (06) months periad effective from the date Of signing Of agreement against refundable bid Security amount equal to Of the total bid value quoted at each port as gjven at clause-2S of PPRA rules-2004, which shall have tobe deposited by each contractor in the form of dew&bullvand draft/pay order in the name of payable at Lahore, The tally contractor shall be responsible for vigiEance on urea weight and recording/maintaining the stocks receipts at ports. The refundable performance guarantee for six Months shall have to be also deposited the successful bidder in form Of demand draft/pav ordeti in the name Of NFML, Lahore before Signing af agreement. Previous bid money. security/gerformanee Suarantee and the pending payments Shan not be entertained this freshtender. the deta&bullls areasuoder:- Ooo.mwnts and peace for Opere« PORT pc«l ail tender documents containing deliverv schedule, guabfrcat'ion criteria. evaluation c.titeria be against demand dtah./P&Y' arderof eat gott RugeesTen Etodsand ONI* IRS. 10,000/' NO') Redundabtej ift the came of NFML Off-ice duringoffice hourst'ill, Head Office located at 9B-Jail Road, tahore, The employees. their søous.eeaase contractors, manpower/labour & securitycontrattors and the dealers of NFML ae 86t eligible to apply. All renders be subm&bulltted in sealed by the 30th 2024 A.M envelope at REML Head Whith ege presence of the cont he designated eom&bullmitteo at 11',30 A.M the same daw in the reps.who wishto remain present. arkeongurnitedmavrejectallbidsa« at anytime pncttothe cr proposal inacrordanceto 3311) This tenderisatso availäbieon PPRA websites. Assistant Manager (Commercial) National Fertilizer Marketing Limited 53-Jail Road, Lahore. Telephone 042-99205666-73 NFC c ews paper u, from Jang dated 11 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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