Provincial Disaster Management Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Portable Toilet,Female Hygiene Kit , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE No.PT&DK/2024 POMA PROVINCIAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY, PUNJAB Provincial Disaster Management Authority, (PDMA) Punjab. invites bid's for procurement of following relief items/equipment, from well reputed GSTiIncome Manufacturers/authorized Dealers/Distributors/Stockists/firms; Tax Registered interested Lot Particulars Quantity Estimated 1 2 Portable Toilet Female Hygiene Kit 30 1000 Cost (Rs.) 2,500.000 Bid Security 360,000 100,000 Delivery period 15-days 3-days 2. 3, 4. 5, Procurement shall be made in accordance with Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority, Rules-2014. on Single Stage Two Envelope basis. Tender Documents along with Qualification, Evaluatioh Criteria are available at PPRRs website n also be purchased on payment of Rs.2,OOO/• that can be downloaded from there. The sa from POMA office in the shape of CDR/DD/Banker"S Cheque in the Bid Security worth 4% Of the estimated name of Director General, PDMA rous@ceompany with the Technical Bid. Sample/Brushor. Sample of Fema Hygiene Kit (returnable) as per standardized specifications will be deposited with Incharge POMA Warehouse, Harbanspura near Jallo Park, Lahore before closipg date & time Howev Gusher with Technical Data Sheet for Portable Toilet must be attached with technical bid Sealed Bids Both Tecniå(ea & Financial completed in all respect must reach/ be dropped in the Tender Box Placed a ption of the PDMA office, 5th floor. Cricket House, 20-A. Shadman-llt he last date of submission i.e. 29.07.2024 at 02:00 pm. Unsealed/ Lahore on or bef incomplete bids will retumed unopened. 6, Technical Bid* shall be opened on the same date at 02:30 pm after 30 minutes after the closing time in the preence of interested authorized representatives of the bidders. 7. Bidder can participate in single or both Lots but will submit their bid(s) for each tot separately in sealed envelopes marked with Company name. procurement Lot. Technical and Financial bid- 8. The Purchaser reserves the right to reject all bids as per Rule 35 of the PPRA Rules 2014 amended up to date. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (PROCUREMENT) PROVINCIAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Sth floor, Cricket House, 20•A, Shadman-ll, Lahore, Contact No.042-99204408-09 O Newspaper ( 10 Jul, 2024) IPL-6513 from Express dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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