Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute & Research Center Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Medical Equipments , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BIDS / TENDER REFERENCE: PRO-49-2024 FOR PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR 18 PKLI FILTER CLINICS Sealed Bids are invited from well reputed Company must be the manufacturer/registered supplier/ distributor of the product ICompanies registered with income tax and sales tax Department for PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR 18 PKLI FILTER CLINICS, Interested eligible bidders may get the Bidding Documents from website and with detailed specifications. A tender notice is also available for information and can be downloaded from the websites of and For participation, written application along with original receipt of tender deposit fee of Rs. 5.0001. (non-refundable) under Account Title *Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center" The Bank of Punjab Account # PK51 BPIJN 6580008550400058 to be submitted with Technical Proposal. The Single Stage Two Envelope bidding procedure shall be applied. Bids must be delivered to the Mail Section Ground Floor of PakistanKidney Liver Institute & Research Center at or before 1130 Hours, July Late bids shall be rejected, The bids shall be opened on the same,date, at 1200 Hours in the presence of the Bidders' representatives who ch00se to attend at the address below. All Bids must be accompanied by a Big Security@2% of estimated cost against each item (consolidated bid securitYdquoted items) in the form of CDR/Bank GuaranteefDemand DraWPayOrder in favor of Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center with the Financial Bid, without this, the offer shall be rejected being non-responsive. Original bid security should be attached with financial bide"hereas photocopy of CDR/dank Guarantee/Demand DraffJPayOrdei must be attached with the technical bid along with the original bankdeposit shp of above-mentioned bank. A pre•bid meeting will be held on JulM5, 2024 in the procurement department at 11:00 hours. Estimated Cost i? R? 1€14 Mn. In case the date ofopening Of last date of sale is declared as a public holiday by the govemmentor non-working day due to any reason, the next official working day shall be deemed to be the date of sale and submission and opening of tenders accordingly. The time and venue shall remain the same. All vendors are requested to please submit the bid to the mail section ground floorof PKLI & RC before the given time. Note: All assessments and procuring procedures ie receiving, opening, and awarding etc. shall be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014. In case of any conflict between Bidding Documents and Punjab Procurement Rules 2014. the rules shall prevail, PKLI Mail Section IPL-6503 Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center PRU One PKLI Avenue, DHA Phase 6, Lahore, Pakistan. 042-111 117 5S4 Ext: 3728, Email: mian.fåisalå pk c eWS paper u, from Express dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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