Pakistan Television Corporation Limited Islamabad Tender Notice for Consultancy Service,Consultant , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN TELEVISION CORPORATION LIMITED Ref. No. PW-Sports/Admin/Purchase/1000 TENDER NOTICE Pakistan Television Corporation Limited Sports/ IPTV Orama & Islamabad invites tender from well reputed GS registered Orrnvvender on active taxpayer list of the Federal goard of Revenue and having E-PAOS for fgalowing work of Sports Complex, The bidders'tenders must submit bids'proposala rd to 16 A on TAOS on 24.07-2024 and the quotations Will opened at 1 tt30 am o All prices must be quoted in local currency. i lu all applicable taxes such as GST. Income 'Tax 2, 3, 4, 7. 8, 9. 10. 12. c and Custom & Excise duties etc. otherwise i PTV will not responsible for and cos Federal Government of Paistan atany assumed that the price included all the taxes. changes in tax rate by the Local or Provincial or Payrnem shall not be made in adva 'The on of Annexure•t• by the concerned suppliers /firms, All Bids must be accompan mest security (refundable} of Rs. in the form of pay Order or Oraft in rhe narne of PTV Personal cheque 'cash not acceptable. The bid Without earnes Tenders rates must PTV reserves the Will not be entertained. for a period Of 60 days from the date Of opening. •eject any or •II bids as per PPRA Rule 33. otations supplies will be taken in one lot and not piece meal on the date as On acceptance given the hase Older- time will be allowed. NO EXTENSI ALL TENDER DOCUMENTS RECEIVED FROM OFFICE OF UNDERSIGNED. UAVEED IQBAL) ADMIN& PERSONNEL MANAGER PIV Sports, Plot Nö- 47, Sector 1+9, Islamabad +92-51-926S01F,43 ewspaper u, from Khabrain dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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