Infrastructute Development Authority Of The Punjab Lahore Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Planning,Desigining , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB (IDAP) TENDER NOTICE 2024/Bld/40 PROCUREMENT ACCESSORIES AND IOAP SOFTWARE LICENSES FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ne (DAP) l. me 'hfrosnjctue Development Autho&bullity OAP (Enployer) bem estc±Gshed as Autonomous body under the hfrætrvctwe Authoity of Punicb Act. by the Government 01 Punic*' to Xnning. desig&bulling. construction ond mdntenmce Ot Infrastructure with best tycx:iices b with tutue deveopment needs, 2. Delois 01 the proouemervt ae as Applicöle Esthated Cod Securty Rules (PKR) (PKR) A ules Apøoxirnotey SOIDO/&bull 14 tarnen&d upto dote} (Dam Bidding Procedure SSTE Bi"ng compeMive oblalnhg Tender documents Ju*28. 3. Interested applicants may $wrkyad the tendet nohce/Tendg docunent from Ptocuement Regiolocy AuttuityåPPRAj Website and OAP Website riØt its pubkolion in the newsmen 4. Wwpose ot Swance of the Tenda documeilwihe cpc*ont she o request he Egocurement wid of workjrq hours on Ernaii id: wlh tte below-menticned credentid$.' Na&bullne of Cornpcny/Fim. enai ad&ess md Moue no. of Focd &bull AuttÜlty Oieckx(CEO 5. app'ccni shag æcess!obtdn the Tender Docunent by usho he hk at the EmcA od&ess. 6. tn dale tot sutxnisiot'l of the Proposd Subnissicn is decJaed o got*c hoEday tren thenext wcrir.hg doy be conjdæd Propose & operfr9. 7. Ihe lender documents cornprising tre Techricd Fioreid Proposd prepued in occctchnce wilh the instrucSons in lender document axi EProcurement PotloL musj be subrrätted on E&bullprocuranent Pold on t*fcre 2"' 2024 no bier than 04200 PW Technical Prooosd be on the rrne day on Puld oj u:30 PM. GENERAL MANAGER (PROCUREMENI CONTRACTS) INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB (IDA?) SO B.3i Gulberg-ill. Lahore, Pakistan. Ph: (0) 42 99332632.42 procurementödqp,pk I O Newspaper ( 10 Jul, 2024) {IPL.6515) from Nawaiwaqt dated 10 July, 2024
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