The Bank Of Punjab Lahore Auction Notice for Auction,Land Auction,Agricultural Land , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** THE BANK OF PUNJAB PUBLIC AUCTION OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY MEASURING 2 - KANALS OWNED MUNIR SFO SHEIKH MUNIR AHMAD SITUATED AT CHAK# 212 R.B., JAIL ROAD, FAISALABAD WHEREAS &arüing l. awarded judgment and detreedated03-tt-nt in No. of 201 ; i' d Ihe Bank ed Punjab and the judgment debte•s, below nd a mth The failed pay and ynount of detrend asumedRs.i9.99i,9S6,'- goutstandifi•g agaiMt the ludgment asaf under the WHEREAS the BankinqCourt• vide cgder dated passed in Eue«utioo Petition has allowed lhe 10 Ihe motlqaqed propet'lywilb&ui intetve•miüfi Of the toun urule,i the pt@MiSiOf1 Of sea•n 19 of finanoal (Recovery of "nance'/ Oldtnance; ÆCCI and the decree 'i' of BOP Cd6'Mitute•S and pow* Hd authority 10 the mortgsged properly belowl by pubbK auction together with of mmetabletutle in faw« of successful bidder. of Rules and 4 financial Institutidfi'. ed MIS (upheld up to the level cd the Honorable Supreme Cwrt.l, SOP got lhe rwtqaqed gapewty independently evaluated by approved geofessional (i.e. lafar company, F.K.S Büildinq Eid (iii) Mfi IP'/t.t Ltdl fordetermifliro the rewve vice.'fcraed sale valuecdlhemortqavd property. 'he hiq,hßl OILji1ion was a:.nducted bj f.u.S Builtrmg Services, Yid. therefore adocaed resem pnce under 3 (iiil ibid. KOW 'HEREfORE BOP inenes *tereqed perscos•'puties to puticivate in the public auction lhe Ittti•emioned far July, Thursday, pregt't.i'*S of Ihe Bank '{Punjab, Liaqat 8tanchi fuqlabad. 'he Bank of Punjab , hbvilä its business through its uunif. 3. M'. yaw*' Munir Of Munir .4hnad. Resident Of House NO. Jl hiolabad. M'. Munir Ahmad, Resident of Peoples Colony %o.l, Faisalabad. 4, M', ut•tter Munif Ahmada Resident Am 1. Faisalabu, DESCRIPTION OF Property Desoiptigti thi Piece •nd pa«ei ed land With present and future themon Property measuring 0? out of totN •tea measuring 11 xanals and Mat"" beatit•tg in (hak*212 R.&r Oil Foad. Susalabad togethe With mathihe•ri. fixing. lherecn to be insulted tnereafter and bound*" owned b,} V'. YäSif uvhir Sheikh Muttil Ah•rtud, Reserve Price Sale Valve • 108,000.000,'• detemined by F.K.S Bedding Services (beang the highest in value among" othe Ädwe•ndent valuations". lhe M" Iqbal and IP•gtArd, were Terms and The valuation by the three ulu•tors 'bid on be ins at the Assets Head h i 100". Tgwe„ Main Ill. lime 0 lf« 2. 3. 4. 6. S. 9, Copies can be proidedon request the will be heldon The Bank the bidding will still at0200 pm noon. The Reserve price of the mortgaged geoperty *ice, Liaqat Road Branch, Faisalabad. above. No bid shall Se entertained or received number bidder. Might" bidder will be detlaved lion. Shall be tequired Draft/ Order/ n ot 'the Punjab' along of Chkand cell ful bidder, - w«essrulbidder the bid amounl two Si the bid amount Shall within fifteen day•, I Of initial In gf laill.lre• Of the bidder deposit the lifte, BOP the nount forfeited towards temåifiing amount reduction of liabil'ty the rexomyof the •emaininq omstifiding After II bid money, the Bank '"ilitramferthegopertyintheauneoßu«essfultiddet. Su«esdul pay all apptilåble taxes upenses, charges etc. if' relation to ibe transfer of title. Advance Income Tax section A fwfiler & nor-filer isapplicable. 10.0pon uecution and reqisnraoon of the sate deed the mortgaged property in fa•.or of the w«ewful "dB, all tille and in proper!'i shall Oddenpu«haser and the mortgögor 80Pshall be anv title •od interest in themortgaged scoperty. 11. The suttessful biddetvdil be to get the propeny transferred in his rwme or hisnominee Within 30 days the date of final paymetd. 12. the be sold orcas/ where iS biKSOPwAl assume any responsibility the tiffeoftBe egopert'f. theæon, meawements and the of 6" Elearicity, pmperty lax gf have teen giver. pet possible ifdgtrtE1i@fL Oraft,/ Of be Jhe 14.Any or an be rejected by 80Pwithout affiqtvt,g any reasorv 1 5.arher it any. Will be announced before cemmencement doper. biddiß9 Divisional Head-Specjal Assets Management Divasion The Bank of Punjab, Head Office. 6th Floor, BOP Tower. 10B, Block Ell, Main 8001evard. Gulberg•lll. Lahore Ph g 0322-4747081. (042) 3578309, 3578300. - 10 Ext , 9634 o Newspaper ( 10 Jul, 2024) from Jang dated 10 July, 2024
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