Public Health Engineering Division Surab Tender Notice for Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Solar Panel , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** S. Nonce *OWING TENDER Eng•nee Hean &voee.rr.; Surab 20 t;' wth d.grn from netestet gems and; SO VOIP cowe SOu.' .•jw.wss 0 KA Gundi" Ayub Sd," WSS Sav WSS SO Cm,+t: Sour WSS 00 d ea. so snail Publit Procurement rules, 2014. Basic Firm rmewed w 'O date •zeta r) rd wh aurot±es i .el WY. GS RA Where Mr.mum (Bar•Å l. The åMSorized rezresentat.we oe or and attested b'/ Warywblic Class".k'isyee. ii. IEC 6121S b EC 61730 Cvtificate$ i", TP'* fin B;cds Oecsration g Jc.ett Vont Slowed Shan Cb:uments verfcazcn. rano certificate. v'. r cd vest (LCY')ORA the to x. VdädOt.Fitm tender Occurnunls Security oecosn Shw"d be o' tats * tojectee a: any S T AGE. d IT. Tho t:e€de.r 'ee be densited tt'é hess o'! accor C — c:.nti the F Åuth01izeC dealers are eg.b•te. terms & conditio 'Ollomng condition oe télCC•hOfliC Sd j bid nat accc«tpartee a bd secunty or reqcred unord cd Oilbid spectfied date (ivi ucklistec firms each coinalCtOC, Stgnp•mth Zer Head. E]bid 90 days SOB must Ceaten' Havarti* With PHE Department *fich Hundred Gnd declaration sop. letter. the ccrrga.ny nave (C.41 category OF PROCUREMENT Stage, n ENGINEER Surab J DOCUMENTS ISSUANCE Firm. NIT Occur-mt 3047-2024 P", Place of ittquittes. and onr•ing ADORESS: Of treEuecueve EngireetPHE SLOS Email: • terms are attacred tender NOTE n•ay be nc:ecmatno oeaet' ente•tarec and the ft•3dd be AJI cd woo be seen hours ot' have with 3PPR.A we vte. PRO No, 17009-070024 c ews paper Execvt&'t Engin«t PHE Sutu u, from Jang dated 10 July, 2024
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