Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services Corporation Limited Lahore Tender Notice 2 for Procurement Of Purchase Of 300 Liters Deltamethrine For Wheat Crop , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** @ PASSCO INVITATION &bullro BID PURCHASE OF 300 LITERS DELTAMETHRINE (PESTICIDES) FOR WHEAT CROP 2024 1 , Pakistan Agricultural Storage and SCtViCß Corporation Limited (PASSCO), a Pubic Limited Company. ilh'ites sealed bills inclusive ot ali government applicable taxes, dutjes, 0Bding, ChargeS etc, bae at PASSCO destinaton Within Pakistan from well reputed Company Fm Suppliers fu purchase a' 300 (215%) Liters Deltamettvin (Pesticides) as per specifications gnen below according to PPRA Rules, XX)4 and other additi:xnal cuufdions for Wheat Crcv&bull2024 approved fmmula specifications by Department of Plant Protection Wlde.r Wo National Food Security & Research, Islamabad. The Bidders must possess &bullalid T«ee 103) years' experience in supptging re:Vdired items to Public PrWate Secw Organizatiorsand shcdd be registered vÄh Gmenment od Pakistan in terms of Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance 1971 Uld all rele"ö'lt taxation Oepa1tmenWA1thoritjes. are required to render a 'r &mdashh certificate of assurmce from thet manufadurers for povision of required stock Of [klt&bullmetherine IPestjCidesj to PASSCO. as pet specificati&bullcns given be10i'{- As p« letter issued by Department ot Piant Protection tåtional Food Security & Reearch, und« Ordinary:e Pesticides 1971 vide No.l&bulll at2023-Reg. (kited mol.2024 The material consist escntia%' of Deltamethrin as active ingredient 2.5% EC approved fcrmula' .ecifications the Department "ant Protection 2. The Bidding be ccnducted in line with the Rule 36 (b) Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure' ot the Public Procurement Rules, 2004. All bidders shall quote their rates i',clusive ot all gmeavnent taxes, Mes, loading, unloading charges etc. cn deli'æred basis at PASSCO destinatitn wiM1in Pakistan as per ocescribed Bid Form. All bids must be accornpanjeci tyy a bid security (as per Rule 25 01 PPHA Rule} in the Of pay Order/ Demand Draft, Cashiers Cheque cr darw«'s Cheque&bullued by any scheduled Bank 01 PASSCO, security Of the bit}det into 5% Secwity.f Guarantee, Cash/ Call RelÄ (CORY Security Deposit Receipt (SOB) wil not accqfiabl"ld bid shall rejæted, 3. The Bidding Documents can te vie.yed o«tbe websites of EPADS - PPRA wwwgprocure.qovpk PASSCO and PPM vavw.ppra.orq&bdquoPk. Bids only be submitted carme EPODS whereas bid submitted manually stand rejected. 4. The bids Slallremamvalid torsixty (60"ays trcm the opening date at bid. Each bid glall comprise of separate Technical and Financial Proposal. Bds be opened as per below mentioned schedule, Quantity Rewired by PASSCO 300 Liters Last Date for Date of Opening Bid security Bidding Document Bid Submbsion Date 26.07.2024 2507.2024 0430 5. Bids addtess&bullGeceral Via EPAOS&mdash PPRA at 14üJHours on 26.072024 tas per We 2tl PPRA Rue and will be opened at 1430 hOtJtS an same day it) th.e presence Ot reptesentatntes, who may tare to be present 6. Bidding documents are available for interested parties lhe Office of Marwjer {Cash), PASSCO- Head Office. 1 -Kashmir Road. No. 042-99201461-62}. 7. TIW PASSCO Management resegves the rights to reject all pcoptVlS under Rule 33(1) Of PPM Rules. Interested parties can t',ßlheg ittwmatjon from the office Of Offit*r nc.harge {Cammeroal) during office 10830 hotrs to 1630 hotrsJ on teleptone 1403, GENERAL MANAGER (Commercial) Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services Corporation Lirnited PASSCO 11 Phone No. 042-99201461-62 Website: c ews paper u, from Jang dated 10 July, 2024
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