National Fertilizer Marketing Limited Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Tally Services , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NFML NATIONAL FERTILIZER MARKETING LIMITED TENDERS FOR TALLY SERVICES CONTRACT AT PORTS National fertiliæer Marketihg Umited invites 'Single Stage-One envelope procedure" Tenders are invited from rally Services Contractors. registered with Income tax and provincial/sales tax department for Gawadar, Karachi Bin QäSim ports for Siv (06) months period effective front the date Of Signing Of agreement against refundable bid Security amount equal to Of the total bid value quoted at each port as given at clause-2SofPPRA rules-2004, which shall be deposited by each contractor in the form of demand draft/øay order in the name of NFML payable at Lahore. The tally contractor shall be responsible for vigilance on urea weight and recording/maintainiog the stocks receipts at ports, The refundable performance guarantee for six ((hJ Months shall have to be also deposited by the successful bidder in form of demand draft/pay order, in the name Of NFML, Lahore before signing of agreement- Previous bid money, security/performante guarantee and the pending payments Shäll not be entertained in thiS freshtender. Thedetails areasunder:&bull GWAOAR. KARAOO *'ailable &bullt Read NAQ Tender containing delivery Ti and Office Lahore. schedule, qualification criteria. evaluation criteria and terms/conditions of [email protected] be collected against demand draft/pay order of each port ten»ausand Only IRs.10.OOO/- Non Refundable) in the name Of' NfML firing Office Office located at 53&bullJaa Road, anyda&bully duringoffice hourstill. Mo The employees, their and the dealers ad NFML eligible to apply. AJI venders an be submitted in sealed envelope at NFML Head Office. Lahore latest by Tuesday the 30th July, 2024 by 1100 A.M WhiOi shall be designated committee at A.M same day. in the presence Of the cont reps.whowish toremain present. National fertili all bids 0' proposals at anytiheprWtothe proposal in accordance 3311) PPRA R IJI&20J4, Thistenderisalsoavailableon PPRAand NFMLwebsites. Vii"stry Assistant Manager (Commercial) National Fertilizer Marketing Limited 53-Jail Road, Lahore. Telephone: 042-99205666-73 NFC c eWS paper u, from Jang dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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