Local Government & Rural Development Department Jaffarabad Tender Notice for Laying Of Tuff Tilesat Panjpai, Laying Of Tuff Tileat Railway Station, Drains,Fixing Of Gate in City Area. , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Assistant Oirecto« Local Government Districl Jaffarabad. tender fc«ms (as schee.lle 81 bawd on cornocete schedLåe cd rates 2023. Govermnert Babc;histü PSOP 2024 tomintegested ccntrac.t0Effms for the Development waris Security 12%} (in Rs E Tendu Fee and Timefor tion Vanth for each won s.N0. Name of work 2 3 s 6 9 10 12 13 SHAHLZAlPSDPN03890 TSE.24250749274J LAYiNGOF PSOPN03920 LAYAGOTUFFTILESATSOBAXHANRlNO.PSDPNOd02t rSE-U2SOU94233 TILE-SAT GULAMMURTAZA MUHAMMAONAWAZ KHAN.SAMIULLAH,OUORATULLAHGANOAKHA PSOPNOA025. TSE.2425C749425J NASEER HAJWANI.OASVSHAH, GODHA KHAN HIJWANIAND PSOP BABARSTREETPSDPN04190TSE-U2S074942'3 SARPARAH, GHULAM HUSSAIN RAHUA PSOP 8ULäthFSIFN04194 ecost to.cou 10.00M 30.500M to.cou 20.00M to,00M to.oou 10.00M to.cou 20.00M Bid zoomor- 200.ocov. 200.000. zoogcor- 200.000'. LAYiNGOF , DRAINS. FIXINGOF GATES JHTPAT , S.N AREAOF Procurements Shan te made urder PPRA Rules 20 Vtc•-däte. Eligibility Of8idders:An bidder ha'ii'ä 'Wid PEC reg•istrat'öl to-date i't relevant categcey or With specialization •n Only. 2 assegnrnonts r Has M three year, Active Registratot•tCetttcatesfrorn ncctme Tan Autharky FBR {N TN} and (BRN) The Cmtractor nas rat been blacklsted any coanizabon. The af Secunty shall the Em Vioyer. The Biddir.gaocurgrq, the upen docurnent tee eactt account OistfCCcuncilJattarabac t No attached copies gr Ocuments mug delivered in sealed envelopes hard or July-2024be'ore 11:30 AL' * affceoftheuncers.tgned. Appocatnn in orignal an letterhead and stamped. Auact•ized Representanes of company wit only be aboaed. havirg a Authorization Vetteg for the Schemes mentjcned atova. (The letter/ deed must Nare 100. Magstratej„ As Rules 25 (Su:b tee•d rot Method or Procurement Single Envelop Ptcæure. Any frm rot the maraa,torg cocs,idered its retumed unopened, Evaluation Ctiteria: list of 'itactiirey.'Equ:orrgnts . Staff anc Latour on Company letter Heaa tender opemng: techmcal bid ww cperæd on 26'JiAy-2ö2d at PM at menticoed bbw adress r envelope financial tid of tecnrsCaiY qualified bidder will ogene•d later , the date Of contmunetCd aner Of technical Sid, firancjaI orapasal Of tethCicany ncn• 3idSWidity•Thjny (901days Address,' Assist;V1t Oirectct' ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PRO NO. 17810907.2024 c ews paper u, from Jang dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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