Sialkot Waste Management Company Sialkot Tender Notice for TRACTOR WITH TROLLY,FRONT END LOADER , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CLEAN SIALKOT SWMC SIALKOT WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY Company Established under Section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984 TENDER NOTICE INVITATION TO BIDS FOR HIRING OF RENTAL MACHINERY FOR DISTRICT COUNCIL AREA Sealed bids are invited from bidders who are eligible as per terms & conditions given in the bidding documents for Procurement of detail mentioned below in the table. 2. Description Tractor with Trolley Front End Loader Qty. 10 06 Duration 160 Days 1 60 Days Bid Security of Estimated Cost Single Stage-Two Envelopes bidding procedure as per Clause 38(2)(a) of Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 shall be adopted. Bids should be submitted as per Single Stage-Two Envelopes process by 1100 hours on July 25, 2024 at the Head Office of SWMC. Technical Proposals shall be opened on the same date at 1130 hours on July 25, 2024, while Financial bids will be retained unopened. Interested bidders may obtain further information from Manager (Procurement & Contracts) Office SWMC and inspect/obtain the Bidding Document at the address given below from 0900 to 1600 hours. Interested parties/firms shoul e registered with the relevant Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments. Bidding Document in the English langu e may be purchased by the interested bidders on submission of a written applicatipri&bullfté the address given below and payment of a non- refundable fee of Pak Rs. should be deposited in SWMC bank account No. 003 6510 0011 2600 0017 Bank o njab Paris Road Branch, Sialkot (from date of advertising Ocuments must be obtained from undersigned office, if any to one day before closing). Tend person download trom PPRAw site he must submit deposited slip of above mentioned fee in respective banks along with h s echnical documents at the time of submission. Bids must be submitted&bull it Bid Security equivalent to 2% of estimated cost (which is mentioned in the biddio documents) in form of CDR. The bid security will be in favor of Sialkot Waste Managerhént Company. Late bids shall be rejected. Tender documents will be immediately availabl"fter publication of advertisement in the daily newspaper as per PPRA rules and also on PPRA website ( In case of official holiday on the day of s b ission, the next day will be treated as closing date. The competent authority may reject all bids at any time without assigning any reason prior to the acceptance of the bid. ACTING MANAGER (Procurement & Contracts) Sialkot Waste Management Company 2nd Floor, Kuwait Plaza, Gohad Pur Road, Sialkot Phone: 052-8330124 Email: [email protected] IPL-6500 (LHR-G) c Newspaper ( IU Jul, 2u24) from Dawn dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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