Pakistan Agriculture Storage & Services Corporation Limited Lahore Tender Notice (1) for Purchase Of 300 Liters Deltamethrine , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** @ PASSCO INVITATION TO BID PURCHASE OF 300 LITERS DELTAMETHRINE (PESTICIDES) FOR WHEAT CROP 2024 1. Pakistan Agricultural Storage and Services Corporation Limited (PASSCO), a Public Limited Company, invites sealed bids inclusive of all government applicable taxes, duties, loading, unloading charges etc. on delivered basis at PASSCO destination within Pakistan from well reputed Company / Firm / Suppliers for purchase of 300 (±15%) Liters Deltamethrin (Pesticides) as per specifications given below according to PPRA Rules, 2004 and other additional conditions for Wheat Crop-2024 with approved formula / specifications by Department of Plant Protection under M/o National Food Security & Research, Islamabad. The Bidders must possess valid three (03) years' experience in supplying required items to Public / Private Sector Organizations and should be registered with Government of Pakistan in terms of Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance 1971 and all relevant taxation Departments/Authorities. Moreover, Company/Firm/Suppliers are required to render a fresh certificate of assurance from their manufacturers for provision of required stock of Deltametherine (Pesticides) to PASSCO, as per specifications given below: As per letter issued by Department of Plant Protection MIO National Food Security & Research, under Ordinance Pesticides 1971 vide No-I-18/2023-Reg. dated 19.01.2024 The material shall consist essentially of Deltamethrin as active ingredient 2.5% EC approved formula/ specifications by the Department Plant Protection 2. The Bidding shall be conducted in line with the Rule 36 (b) 'Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure' of the Public Procurement Rules, 2004. All bidders shall quote their rates inclusive of all government applicable taxes, duties, loading, unloading charges etc. on delivered basis at PASSCO destination within Pakistan as per prescribed Bid Form. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security (as per Rule 25 of PPRA Rule) in the form of Pay Order/ Demand Draft, Cashier's Cheque or Banker's Cheque issued by any scheduled Bank in Pakistan in favour of PASSCO. Bid security of the successful bidder will be converted into 5% Performance Security/ Guarantee. Cash/ Cheque/ Call Deposit Receipt (CDR)/ Security Deposit Receipt (SDR) will not be acceptable and bid shall be rejected. 3. The Bidding Documents can be viewed on the websites of EPADS - PPHA , PASSCO and PPRA Bids can only be submitted online via EPADS PRA, whereas bid submitted manually shall stand rejected. 4. The bids shall remain valid for sixty (6ØQiays from the opening date of bid. Each bid shall comprise of separate Technical pr0Dosal and Financial Proposal. Bids will be opened as per below mentioned schedule&bull Price of? Quantity Required Last Date for Purchase of Bidding Document 25.07.2024 Date of Opening Bid security of Technical by PASSCO 300 Liters Bidding Documents s. 5,000/- (Rs.) Proposals/ Bid Submission Date 26.072024 Rs.12,OOO (1430 Hours) 5. Bids addresse "t General Manager (Commercial) should be submitted online via EPADS PPRA at 140 ours on 26.072024 (as per Rule 28 of PPRA Rules) and will be opened at 1430 hours on the same day in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives, who may care to be present. 6. Bidding documents are available for interested parties in the Office of Manager (Cash), PASSCO, Head Office, 1 1 -Kashmir Road, Lahore (Phone No. 042-99201461-62). 7. The PASSCO Management reserves the rights to reject all proposals under Rule 33(1) of PPRA Rules. Interested parties can obtain further information from the office of Officer Incharge (Commercial) during office hours (0830 hours to 1630 hours) on telephone No.042-99201466-, Ext 1403. GENERAL MANAGER (Commercial) Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services Corporation Limited PASSCO Head Office, 11 Kashmir Road, Lahore. Phone No. 042-99201461-62 Website: O Newspaper ( 10 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 10 July, 2024
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