Infromation Department Quetta Tender Notice for Designing,Flim Making , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF SINDH INFORMATION DEPARTMENT DIRECTORATE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE INVITING TENDERS Sealed bids are invited from reputed printers registered with Tax Authorities for composition, layout, designing, film making, title designing, binding and supply of Departmental magazines viz. Monthly •'Llzhar" (Urdu), Monthly "Paigham" (Sindhi), Fortnightly "Sindh Manzar" (Combined in Sindhi & Urdu) and "Special Issues" (Combined in Sindhi & Urdu) on Sufi Saints, National Heroes/ National Days and other special topics through offset process during the financial year 2024-25. TERMS ANP CONP'T'ONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bidding Documents, Specifications and other terms and conditions in respect of the above said magazines and special issues can be had from the office of Director Information (Publication), Information Department, Barrack No.95, Sindh Secretariat No.4-B, Court Road, Karachi Telephone No. 021-99202610 from 10-07-2024 to 26-07-2024 on any working day during office hours on payment of Rs. 2,000/- (Two Thousand Only) in shape of pay order/demand draft, as document fee (non-refundable) pledged in the name ot Director Information (Publication) Information Department Government of Sindh (separately for each magazine and special issue). Bidding Documents can also be downloaded fro S PRA website i.e. which bidders have to pay above mentioned document fee. The tenders in sealed covers will be re9!yeå back on 26-07-2024 at 11 AM and will be opened on the same day at II AM in presence of Procurement ommittee and bidders or their authorized representatives, who wish to be present. Bid Security amounting to 3% of the bi@, rice (refundable) separately for each magazine should be submitted along with bid in shape of Pay Order in favour of Dire$r Information (Publication) issued by any scheduled Bank of Pakistan. Bid Performance Security 5% o bid price (refundable) separately for each magazine in shape of Pay Order in favour of Director Information (Publica •o hissued by any scheduled Bank of Pakistan will be furnished by successful bidder. The Bid Security will be forfe(ted to the Government, if any bidder withdraws his bid after opening or fails to sign the contract, if the bid is accepted as pe frbvisions of SPP Rules 2010 (Amended upto date). The words "Tender fee rinting of Departmental Magazines Monthly "Izhar" (Urdu), Monthly "Paigham" (Sindhi) Fortnightly "Sindh anzar" (Combined in Sindhi & Urdu) and "Special Issues" (Combined in Sindhi & Urdu) should be written separately On he sealed cover. Bidders are advised to quote workable rates. Conditional tenders will not be accepted. All applicable taxes as prescribed by the government shall be paid by the bidders. The Procuring Agency may reject all or any bid at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal, subject to the relevant provisions of SPP Rules, 2010 (Amended upto date). DIRECTOR INFORMATION (PUBLICATION) INF-KRY No. 2233/24 O Newspaper ( 10 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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