Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Hyderabad Tender Notice for Consultant For Study , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** HESCO HYDERABAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY (HESCO) Invitation of Bids for Hiring of Consultants for Study / Evaluation of Technical Losses of Transmission 1. 2. 3. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. & Distribution System of HESCO for FY 2023-24 Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)t Hyderabad endeavoring to provide uninterrupted electric supply services to more than 1.23 Million valued consumers of 13 districts of Sindh Province. HESCO is performing the system studies for Grid & Transmission Network through PSS/E software for the purpose of Transmission System Expansion Planning. Besides this, HESCO is also using SynerGEE Electric Software for the analysis of Rehabilitation / Planning of Distribution Network. HESCO intends to conduct study / evaluate the technical losses of Transmission & Distribution Network. Those eligible firms who have executed similar assignments are invited to submit sealed Request for Proposal (RFP) along with the following information Firm must be registered with PEC. Minimum 03 (three) years relevant experience in field of study / evaluation of T&D loss of power sector. Number and detail of similar projects, scope of works, contract value & client profile / name and assignments undertaken. Financial position of the firm as per Qualification and Evaluation Criteria. Organizational Chart including professional staff strength for relevant assignment. Valid Firm's Registration Certificate from Pakistan Engineering Council. Performance certificate from the clients served. Registration copy of N TN, GST Income Tax (active tax payer). Other terms & conditions are mentioned in Bidding Documents. RFP document will be issued to the eligible and interested bidders after submission of documents as mentioned at serial -3 (f & h) above. The RFP procedure will be based upon "Single Stage Two Envelop" (QCBS) method as prescribed under PPRA rules containing separate sealed covers "Technical Proposal" & "Financial Proposal" and both envelopes sealed in common outer envelope. RFP shall be accompanied with Bid éCurity amounting to Rs. 1.5 Million in shape of pay order / bank draft in favor of CEO, HESCO, var or 28 da s be ond bid validit . The bid shall be valid for 120 days. Original bid security must b &bulln the Technical Bid Envelop otherwise bid shall be rejected. The firm(s) will be selected in ++dance with the procedure set out in the PPRA Rules (amended to date). Interested bidders ful II ng the above requirements can obtain Tender Documents (RFP) from the office of undersigne at a price of Rs.5,OOO/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) each (non-refundable). Pre-bid meeting will b&eurobeld on 31 July, 2024 at 11 :OOHrs in the office of C E (P&E) HESCO, For entry in pre-bid me t/ög, showing of tender document fees slip is mandatory. However, written queries and their res onse will be considered part of Bidding documents / RFR RFP is required tQ>e submitted to the office of Chief Engineer (P&E) HESCO, Hyderabad on or before 20 August, 2024 at 11 :OO Hrs. The Technical proposal shall be opened on same day at 11 :30 ¯rbposal will be retained unopened in the same office. Financial proposal shall be Hrs. Financi opened onl f those bidders who successfully meet minimum passing technical score. Financial proposal of un-qualified Firms shall be returned un-opened. Bids received after the Date and Time specified above shall not be accepted. Electronic bid shall not be accepted. Conditional bid or bids without security shall not be accepted. HESCO reserves the right to accept or reject all proposals at any time according to PPRA Rules 33(1 The advertisement is also available on PPRA website of, as well as on HESCO website Chief Engineer (P&E), HESCO, Room No.220, WAPDA Offices Complex, Hussainabad, Hyderabad Phone # +92-022-9260197 & Fax # +92-022-9260361 Email: [email protected] PID (H) 06/2024 O Newspaper ( 10 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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