District Health Department Hunza Tender Notice for Purchas Of Food Item,purchase of officestationert,Repair Of Machinery Equipment and Generator , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No.1702/D1tn/117h/mn/stnremza GOVERNMENT OF GILGIT UALTISTAN OFFICE OF TILE DISTRICT OFFICER "UNZh Phone: 05813-920187 Fax: 05813-92010B Dated: TFNPFB NOTICE The Reatth ornce Huma had invited sealed tenders (or purchase Of items against the toilowing Heads (or financial Year 2024•2025 and opened bkls on 24*' July. 2024. The bidders participated in the ten&r did not fulfilled the given criteria and stand rejected. Tve•retore. It is heteby readvertised the rollowing same beads tor invitation and submission ot new Hds The Scbcdute ot submission and opening tor each will bc as under;- s• 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 IS Name or Tender Repair Transport Printing and rublicatlon Purvbase or medicine Surgical items. X•Ray Fil ms and Lab Items on R uired basis Purshase ot medicines. Surxical Equipment•s atu:i other required material•s ror general surgery. Orthopedfc. Gynaey, Eye. ENT. Lab Kits/Reagents and dental materials. X•Ray Materials and Dialysis materials etc for *hat Sabolat Program Civil Hospitals District Ilunn Purchase of food items (for D*'t to indoor Patients) Purchase or ORD And Miscellaneous ft ems lospjtal Waste Managenrnt & Purchase 01 waste safety Kit Purchase of otoce stationery Repair Machinery. Equipment and Generator Minor Repair or Health Facilities Purchase ot Oxygen Gas Transportation 01 Go«is Purchase ot Machinety and Equipment Purchase Furniture and Fixture Repair or Furniture and Fixture Call Deposit Date & time of Olds Date & ume 66000 3000 42000 i SOOOO 50000 soooo 5250 20000 3780 20000 30000 4000 soooo 10000 4000 Submlglon 240.2024 i 1 :OOAM 2407-2024 2+07-2024 1 t :OOAM 2407-2024 11:OOAM 24-07.zoz4 i I:OOAM 24-070024 i I:OOAM 24-07-2024 i i :OOAM 2407-2024 1 t :OOAM 2447-2024 t 1 :OOAM 24-07-2024 t i :OOAM 24-07-2024 t:OOAM 2407-2024 MOAM 24-07-2024 24-07-2024 24-07-2024 Bids Openl z 4-07-2024 24-07-2024 1:30AM 2407-2024 24-07-2024 1 t:30AM 24-07-2024 24-07-2024 24-07-2024 ti:30AM 2407-2024 11:30AM 24-07-2024 11:30AM 24-07-2024 i 12301M 24-07-2024 11:30AM 24-07-2024 1 t:30AM 24-07-2024 11:30AM 24.07-2024 2+07-2024 11:30AM Tender received after stipula eodate & time shan not considered. Offer Without call deposit (only schedule bank) will not entertainee The only registered bc anowed to participate in tender. Quotations submitted"scbeduled date must signed / stamped the schedule dat+s declared as local botlday the next day will tbe date ot tender opening The rate or each items mentioned in quotation sbouid computerized: manual rating will not be accepted The bidder sbÅWsubmrt affidavit (in original) oot black listing and no court cases or their firm / company Ail required d«uments should be attested Bidders ot medicines must bave medical iåcease for rned/cioe supplies and bave medical store at Hun:zat C0ß!nlete list and items Ot above tenders With detail terms and conditions are contained biddtng documents which cart be obtained from the otoce or undersigted during duty bours The autbority has pwer to reject or bid in case or extretne high or extreme low rates.(lrratjonai races) The bidder be to provide the items missed from comparative statement e the common Market rate. The bidder can dismissed at any time during the financial year and re•advertised it the bidder do not follow the criteria of supply ot items or any other miss condj*t. in case otdelay or financial payments the contractor not stop the supply ot required items. Bidders having bad working reputation 994th this ornce will not entertainecL Attested copy or Form•C and other necessary documents must be attached with the quotation. (DRM ntUtMADTANVEER) msrmcr OFFICE IDGB-490/24 O Newspaper ( 10 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 10 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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